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Teachers Make a Difference! After watching the video, list three items on your bucket list you want to accomplish.
PLC Meeting Template also known as the Sign-In Sheet 1.Team Meeting Template 2.Collaboration Report Template (follow-ups, missed meetings) Choose a person to serve as the “Follow-up Person” to get the forms to the people who missed the meeting.
What does the ECBOE expect of us as PLC members? PLC members are empowered collaboratively to study, implement, evaluate a topic which they believe will lead to improve student learning. Members are expected to actively participate in and contribute to the learning of the PLC Members are expected to share all deliberations with the remainder of the school after PLC meeting in the manner determined by the principal. PLC activities must be research-based (periodical articles, book study, reputable internet sites, education programs or materials, etc. PLCs will implement best practices, gather data, share and evaluate results as a team. PLC members are granted autonomy but expected to function professionally and with integrity to promote positive changes in learning and school culture as well as to grow collaboratively and individually.
What does my school expect of me? Positive and full participation as a valued and respected member o the school family Fulfillment of the responsibilities of a PLC member as outlined in training Support in the development and implementation of my PLC’s agreement
What are my responsibilities as a PLC member?
PLC Agreement Teacher Tube Videos - Example of a Bad PLC Meeting.wmv Teacher Tube Videos - Example of a Bad PLC Meeting.wmv Read the article from Chapter 2: Scenario 1-Freemont Elementary School 4 th grade teachers Complete Tool 2.1 Team Learning Scenario Task The Team Learning Scenario Task will be published on the WES PLC Blog
Protocol for Developing Agreements Complete the Team Agreement Template
Common Goals Override Individual Interests Optional: Read and Discuss Common Goals Override Individual Interests
Building Effective Teams- Optional Read Tool 12.2 – Building Effective Teams Read over the bottom of Chapter 12 Summary “Conflict is Positive”. Complete Tool 12.2 Survey (Behind Building Effective Teams)
Tools for Schools Read and Discuss Tool 12.3 if needed. PLC team progress will be discussed at the beginning of the first semester and the end of the school term.
Becoming a Productive Team Read and Discuss 12.5 Develop an Action Plan (handout) -Use Tool 13.1 as a guide in preparing the PLC Action Plan. Resources – Elmore County has a list of resources that are available to you. A copy is included in your packet. Complete Tool 2.3 Collaborative Learning: Fears and Hopes
Non-Negotiables All certified and non-certified individuals are expected to participate fully in the PLC process. Individuals must sign the Team Summary or Collaboration Report to signify attendance in order to receive professional development credit. The following paperwork is to be maintained by the PLC and a copy submitted to the principal for his/her notebook: A report of every meeting on the Team Summary template Collaboration Reports as utilized Team Action Plan (with changes as they occur) Mandated Surveys and Analysis Individual Team Reflection (see due dates on timeline)
Non-Negotiables PLCs must publish the progress of all meetings per the prescribed method determined by the principal of the relevant school (blog, chart posted, to all faculty and staff, TV monitor, etc.) so that the entire school is aware of all PLC activity. Once PLCs begin functioning, members should be prepared for the principal to observe at least one meeting. In addition, the advisor assigned to the school may attend as an observer. Attendance of observers should be noted in the scribe’s template. Principals may ask PLCs to conduct a meeting during an assigned faculty meeting where the remainder of the school acts as an observer. The work of a PLC may result in recommendations for positive changes in instruction or school culture. Such suggestions should be shared with the principal with the relevant data so that he/she may consider implementation.
Conclusion Video – Salute to Teachers