My dog Teddy
My Dog Teddy Teddy is 4 years old. He is half cocker spaniel half Shih tzu.
My Dog Teddy Teddy was born on April 2 nd He was born in Rexton New Brunswick.
My Dog Teddy Teddy eats two times a day. He mostly eats leftovers from dinner.
My Dog Teddy Teddy has one brother and two sisters. But one of his sisters got ran over by a car.
My Dog Teddy Teddy might come in the night and sleep on my bed or he will sleep on the rocking chair in the living room.
My Dog Teddy Teddy likes to play with some of his toys and eat steak bones.
My Dog Teddy Teddy will chase are little kitten Smoke and eat Smokes food.
My Dog Teddy If their was an award for being lazy my dog would win the gold because he is super lazy.
My Dog Teddy When Teddy was a puppy he was so energetic now he mostly sleeps all day all night.
My Dog Teddy Teddy will sometimes run out of the house when the door opens but we will always get him back.
Conclusion Teddy is my favorite pet in my house and that’s why he will always be my dog.