Welcome, Scientists! Ms. DeGrave Science Specialist
Ms. DeGrave Taught 3 rd grade for 4 years at Mariners Used to teach Kindergarten Has also taught 4 th grade First year as the Science Specialist!!! First year as the Science Specialist!!! Fun Facts: I have lived in Costa Rica and Hawaii, I love to snowboard, I have a Cocker Spaniel named Kirby, I love to travel, and I love music. Oh, and my favorite number is…
What is Science? What is a Scientist? What do you think science is? Why is it important? What do you think science is? Why is it important?science What do you think a scientist LOOKS like? What do you think a scientist LOOKS like? Let’s see if you can find the scientist! Let’s see if you can find the scientist!
Safety First! Science Safety Presentation Science Safety Presentation Safety Contracts Must be returned to your teacher by the end of the week or you will not be able to participate in the experiments Share contracts with your parents so they know appropriate lab behavior Hydrogen Zone…
Hydrogen Zone Hydrogen is a chemical element with the atomic energy of 1 You are “1” in the “Hydrogen Zone” Consequences for breaking the lab expectations: - Behavior Reflection for teacher/parent - Independent work on clipboard Seating Chart Notes
Table Responsibilities Red= #1 Blue= #2 Yellow= #3 Green= #4 Please try not to pull the stickers off the table. If they are missing, refer to your job # Jobs will change weekly- refer to chart
Jobs Getter- gets the materials for investigation Starter- first person to begin Organizer- most important job (takes the “mental picture” of the table) Trasher(s)- making sure all trash is in the can and floor is clean
Transitions Date and Time on paper- this is the signal to check your notebook Getters- your time limit for gathering materials and returning to table Pair sharing/Discussion- time frame Wrap up and focus on teacher Clean up- time frame ** It’s your job to STAY ALERT to these transition SIGNALS**
Science Notebook Setup Title Page Table of Contents Conclusion Science Notebook Page