AS Leisure Studies Unit 2 – A People Business
The Big Picture
Section 2: Key principles of successful customer service
Blank Page What do you think the key features of successful customer service are? staffing (employing the correct number of suitably qualified and experienced staff) training procedures health, safety and security procedures maintenance procedures administration procedures.
Objectives To know how the procedures listed below contribute in providing good customer service 1.staffing (employing the correct number of suitably qualified and experienced staff) procedures, safety and security procedures 4.maintenance procedures 5.administration procedures. To know how technology can be used to improve the delivery of customer service. To know how design planning can meet customers needs and reduce the likelihood that customers will be dissatisfied in the first place through: providing appropriate access for all customers appropriate signing (welcome signs and directional signs) lighting ambience.
Leisure Tastic Bennettines is opening a new Gym with swimming pool in Hornsea. It is the UK’s premier private health leisure chain. You have been employed by the MD Antoine Bennettine to put a plan together to ensure the facility has all the appropriate key principles of customer service.
The Plan Your plan must consider the following: 1.staffing (employing the correct number of suitably qualified and experienced staff) procedures, safety and security procedures 4.maintenance procedures 5.administration procedures. Where you can you should suggest how you can use technology to achieve these. The construction of the leisure centre is yet to be planned what must the planners do to ensure the likelihood that customers will be dissatisfied in the first place by considering the following: providing appropriate access for all customers appropriate signing (welcome signs and directional signs) Lighting ambience.
Review Identify three things you have learned today Identify questions you have Identify 1 thing you already knew