Do Now 01/28-29 Which bone is inferior the saccrum? Which bone groups are medial the ribs (I can think of two possible responses)? What is the term for the long shaft of the bone? What are the long bones of the feet called? What is the term for the bone group composed of flat bones in the skull?
Daily Objective Knowledge: O Types of bone fracture O What happens when a bone breaks. O Stages of bone healing Skills: O Ability to identify types of fracture and possible causes. O Ability to explain the steps in bone healing and relate them to bone growth and the parts of the bone.
Big Idea O Broken bones are one of the most common problems that doctors have to deal with. Understanding the process of how bones heal and what doctors do to assist will be helpful information for any student going into the medical profession.
What’s going on here?
POP QUIZ TIME!!!! O Clear your desk of all material. O Take out a clean sheet of paper. O You will have five minutes to complete this assessment. O Number your paper from 1-5
Pop Quiz #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Peer Grade Pass your paper to someone seating at your table group. Sign your name at the bottom of the page, eyes forward. We will begin when everyone is silent.
Bone Fractures O A fracture is a break in the bone, caused by spontaneous trauma or pathology. O Classified by nature of the break: O Greenstick O Fissured O Comminuted O Transverse O Oblique O Spiral You have 10 minutes to use page 136 to explain these fractures.
Healing a Broken Bone
Bone healing process: O 1) A hematoma (definition) forms preventing _________________________. Inflammation brings nutrients and antibodies to the site. (Which system is in charge of this transportation?) O 2) The Periosteum is repaired first. The hematoma is converted into spongy bone close to the blood vessels by osteoblasts. The hematoma is converted to fibrocartilage by fibroblasts on the more superficial parts of the bone. (Think Spider Man) O 3) The fibrocartilage is replaced with spongy bone (same as when the bone was growing). O 4) The spongy bone is replaced with compact bone, the marrow is restored.
Check for understanding O What is the periosteum? O What is the function of marrow? After osteoblasts build up new bone tissue the bone must then be remodled. O Which cells remove excess bony tissue?
Practice this knowledge O Take a piece of paper and divide it into four regions. O In each region, they will draw a representation of a step in the healing of a bone. O This can be a diagram, a comic, or any other visual way of representing the information for that step.
Do Now: 01/30-31 O Provide two reasons for a bone to fracture. O What is the first part of the bone to heal during bone repair? O How long does it take a bone to heal?
Skeletal Diseases! We are taking notes but there are NO words on these slides. Use your ears!!!
ACL injury
Blount’s Disease