U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS1 CMS Project at UR Pawel de Barbaro University of Rochester DoE Review July 15-16, 2002
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS2 ParticipantsParticipants Task D Participants (CMS-HCAL) Faculty: Prof. A. Bodek Research Faculty: Dr. P. de Barbaro, Dr. H. Budd, Dr. W. Sakumoto Research Associate: Dr. Y. Chung Task B Participants (CMS-HCAL) Faculty: Prof. P. Slattery Research Faculty: Dr. G. Ginther Task D Participants (CMS-TOB) Faculty: Prof. P. Tipton Research Faculty: Eva Halkiadakis, Andy Hocker Graduate Students: Ricardo Eusebi
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS3 System Overview HOB HB HF HE
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS4 HCAL - Engineering in WH6 HCAL Engineering Design HCAL Engineering Design
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS5 ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities CMS Projects at U. of Rochester : HCAL Optical Readout System for Hadron Barrel (HB) Calorimeter Assembly&Integration of Readout boxes for HB, HE and HO construction of Motion Table for H2 test beam at CERN Tracker construction of Silicon Strip Tracker (Tracker Outer Barrel, TOB), talk by P. Tipton
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS6 CMS HCAL Outline Absorber Optics Readout Box HPDs Other tasks Conclusions
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS7 Activity at CERN Scintillators installed into HB- wedges at bldg 186 All HB- wedges tested with radioactive source system, pronounced “ready” Wedges transported to SX5 for installation into cradle. HB+ wedges at 186, scintillator installated and tested. Assembly of HB+ into cradle in Sep 02.
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS8 HB- Wedges at Bldg 186
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS9 HB Absorber All HB- and HB+ wedges at CERN HB- assembled at SX5, HB+ wedges to be assembled in Sept HB- Wedge 16 (damaged during transport) has been rebuilt, tested
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS10 HB- Assembly at SX5
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS11 HB- Assembly at SX5
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS12 Assembled HB- Barrel in SX5
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS13 Lab 5 Factory HB Optics factory in final phase. Will be winding down in December. (Need to repair/replace megatiles for HB-16). Reduce staffing from 13 to 5. Continue to build optical cables for HB and fiber parts for optical decoder units. Factory will redirect to work on components for RBX’s, HV, LV, electronics components.
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS14 Lab5 Optics factory (HB megatile production)
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS15 Other Optics tasks Improve performance of optical cables Task taken over from UIC. Problem: tests at CERN this summer indicated that cables are very hard to install and connect/disconnect. Solution: increasing slightly (1.5mils) hole size for alignment pins can improve connection/disconnection, without compromising RMS of light transmission
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS16 Optical cable layout
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS17 Placement of readout boxes
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS18 Full RBX with 19 ch RMs RBX Interior -- HV distributor and backplane HB RBX Assembly
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS19 The readout module (RM) integrates the HPD, front end electronics, and digital optical drivers. PRR passed March 1-2. HB Production begun – mechanics only. HE in design. Electronics cards HPD Mount HV Interfac e Card Optical Sorter RBX Readout Module
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS20 Optical decoder unit (ODU)
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS21 ODU: part facing HPD
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS22 Hybrid Photo Detectors (HPDs)
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS23 RBX production status HB HB RBX shell parts completed, at Lab 5 ready for assembly HB ODUs finished, at Lab 5 Backplanes finished, at FNAL Assembly work started at Lab 5 HE Design almost complete Second mechanical prototype in construction at Ole Miss Subassemblies for ODUs ready. ODUs will be built at Notre Dame factory this summer (QuarkNet) HE RBX parts scheduled to be completed in September 02. HO Design starting this month. Will have a PRR at CERN during September CMS week. Plan to complete all RBX’s by March 1, 03
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS24 Near Term / 2002 Test Beam Will instrument HB+ wedges in November Test beam calibration of wedges of HB+ in summer of 2002 Will use second generation QIE’s running at 40Mhz. CCAs GOL / VCSEL into HTR DCC Prototypes Assemble HB+ in September 2002
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS25 ConclusionsConclusions Tasks Completed: HCAL Barrel absorber ready Production and installation of Scintillator megatiles completed HB- barrel assembled and tested New tasks for Rochester: Integration and testing of readout boxes at Lab 5 at Fermilab (CMS Rochester Techs under Rochester upervision). Installation and Commissioning of US CMS detector at CERN (Pawel de Barbaro will become US CMS Coordinator at CERN in March 2003)
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS26 Front End Electronics QIE chips at FNAL (first submission). Chips are ~ fully functioning. Front end noise being studied. CCA chips at FNAL. Problem with communication to chip. (Bug in layout solved by laser microsurgery). Seems fully functional! A chance that both CCA and QIE can skip a generation of submissions, have production parts by March 02. GOL (Gigabit Optical Link) Serializer prototype chip at FNAL. Being tested at 45 Mhz, works fine. (Normal operation 40 Mhz). VCSEL chosen, parts being ordered. Fiber optic cable plant being finalized. (Discussion this week at CERN).
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS27 FE/DAQ Electronics
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS28 FE Readout Card VCSEL
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS29 Six channel FE Proto
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS30 HCAL – Opto-Link
U. Of Rochester DOE Review, July 15-16, 2002: P. de Barbaro, CMS31 VCSEL/GOL Testing Prototype GOL Custom VCSEL Packaging