Persuasion, Propaganda, Bias & the Media Language Arts 2
Anti Fur
What is the message?
Stop Child Labor
Is This Effective? Why?
Stop Animal Cruelty What makes an impression? Why is this effective?
Messages in the Media Determine FACT from OPINION Identify any BIAS A strong feeling against or towards one group of people or one side of the argument often not based on fact or fair judgment –Who is the source? –Are they credible? –What do they have to gain? Think about ethics, morals, and values
PERSUASION To make somebody do something or believe by giving them good reasons. Think of a persuasive/argumentative essay. You have to make a claim and support it with evidence!
Review : Nazi Propaganda What was Hitler’s plan? How was his plan executed? Did it work? Why or why not?
Your Part… The Assignment Choose a “cause” from the following list: –Stop World Hunger –Stop Child Labor –Anti Fur –Stop Animal Cruelty –Anti Child Abuse –Say No to Drugs –End Homelessness –End Childhood Obesity
Create an effective POSTER that promotes your cause by using 1 of the 8 types of propaganda. IMAGE & TEXT 1. Include a picture, image, drawing, etc. that is relevant and powerful 2. Create a slogan or message to accompany the picture.
REMEMBER It must be in color It must be legible & neat Write MLA format on the back You may NOT borrow or print out images from the internet. This is ORIGINAL!
The Power of Persuasion What do you say to get people on board with you? How can you “shock” them? Change their minds? For example, “Stop Child Labor” posters shown in 3 rd world country.
DUE Friday, 4/4 You will be presenting to the class Graded on Writing Traits: Presentation—6 pts. x 2 = 12 Ideas—6 pts. X 2 = 12 Creativity—6 pts. 30 points Summative
Presentation 1.Read your slogan or message. 2.Explain how you effectively used 1 of the 8 types of propaganda.