Sports and Leisure Activities in Portugal Bullfight
History Linked to ancient Rome 300 years as Festivals Spread to South America 19th century Spain the bull is killed from the Moors tradition Portugal the bull is not killed Visigoth tradition
Characters of a Bullfight Cavaleiros Matador Forcados Bull
Portuguese bullfight characters
Arguments for Bullfighting Portugal’s tradition History Form of Art Cultural Event A skill and agility sport Economical Factor
Economics of Bullfighting Portugal Spain Mexico Venezuela U.S.A. California
Cultural Aspects Portuguese Style 2 Phases, cavaleiro and Pega Purpose stab 3 bandarilhas Force a face catch Not to kill the bull Spanish Style 3 Phases, lancing, bandarillas, and death Purpose to stab 2 bandarilhas Kill the bull
Arguments Against Bullfighting Cruel Inflicts Pointless Suffering Torture Animals rights Dangerous to matador/forcados
Facts Horses killed Bulls killed in Portugal Matadores killed Portugal Forcados killed in Portugal
What is your opinion? Is bullfight a sport? A torture? Are rodeos similar to bullfights? Should bullfight be banned?
References CBBC Newsground /Votes/Would you go to a bullfight? Retrieved on July 22nd, 2007 from, FAACE – Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe – History of bullfighting, Retrieved on July 19th, 2007 from, Touradas – The Portuguese bullfighting photo gallery by Dias dos Reis at, Retrieved on July 19th, 2007 from,