Plantar Fibromatosis - a benign condition G Rathore, S Bassi, S Gujral, R Suneja, J Barrie East Lancs Foot + Ankle Service
History Study Design Observations Results
Definition “a benign fibroproliferative disorder of the plantar aponuerosis” (reference?)
History Baron Guillaume Dupuytren - Lecon Oraies de Clinique chirurgicale faites a l’Hotel Diue de Paris. Paris, Londres Germer Bailliere, 1832 Henry Cline & Astley Cooper Ledderhose - Zur patholgie der aponuerose des fusses und der hand. Arch Klin Chir 1897 Meyerding and Shellito - Dupuytren’s Contracture of the foot, J Internat Coll Surg
Study Design Prospective Case Series Blackburn Royal Infirmary Ethical approval obtained Clinically diagnosed Serial Clinic reviews Final review – July 2006
Study Design Clinically diagnosed Management No intervention in 35 (study group) Surgical excision in x (excluded) Serial Clinic reviews Final review – July 2006
Observations N= 35 Males – 22 (62.9%) Females – 13 (37.1%) All patients – white Caucasians
Demographics N=35 All white Caucasian
Age at presentation Range – Mean (SD)– 42.3(10.6) Median (IQR) – 45.0(33- 51)
Follow Up Range : 2-25 years Mean (SD): 10.2 (5.9) Median (IQR): 10 (7-12)
Presentation of the disease
Difference in Pain Scores
Progression in AOFAS Scores
Subjective Perception
Interpretation Benign self-limiting condition Reassurance Wait & watch Subtotal fasciectomy for severe symptoms
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