Neurotrauma Radiology
What is this?
Extradural haematoma Any patients Usually high impact Usually associated fracture Arterial bleed – peels dura off skull under pressure Usually clinical deterioration <4 hours post injury
What else? Thickness – in mm at widest point Midline shift – in MM at most shifted point Effacement of ventricles
What is this?
Subdural haematoma Older people Often minor injury/shearing force (25% no trauma Hx) Brain shrinks with age, subdural veins under some tension Slow bleed – often present weeks-months later Dcreased LOC, headache, ataxia, cognitive dysfunction, Motor deficit, aphasia
What else? Thickness/Midline shift/ventricles Age: Acute 21 days
What is this?
Subarachnoid haemorrhage Can be traumatic, aneurysmal, hypertensive Sudden onset severe headache +/- neurology 80% from ruptured aneurysm CTB is 100% sensitive in first 6 hours*
Can look like this
Or this
Don’t rule out an SAH by looking at the CT yourself
Help me Dr! my basal cisterns are effaced!