NASA Snow and Ice Products NASA Remote Sensing Training Geo Latin America and Caribbean Water Cycle capacity Building Workshop Colombia, November 28-December 2, 2011 ARSET Applied Remote Sensing Education and Training A project of NASA Applied Sciences
What is Ice? When a mass, layer, or surface of water water freezes into solid at cool temperature What is snow? When water vapor freezes directly into ice crystals -- the process known as deposition Snowflakes are the aggregation of many ice crystals Snowfall is when snowflakes precipitate out of clouds Definitions Sea Ice Snow on mountains Lake Ice
Snow and Ice in the Climate System They store water from days to weeks (snowfall and accumulation, lake ice) and years to centuries and longer (sea ice, glaciers, polar caps) time scales They impact the reflected sun-light (albedo) and therefore, earth’s energy balance and temperature Snowmelt and runoff – important source of ground water, streams and rivers
NASA Snow Products Available from Satellites and Models Snow Cover: Fractional area covered by snow(fraction or %) Surface Snowfall Rate: Amount of snow received at surface per unit area and time (Kg/m 2 /hour) Snow Mass: Amount of snow per unit area per unit depth (Kg/m 2 ) Snow Depth: Distance between the earth and top of snow layer (m) Snow Water Equivalent (SWE): Measurement of the amount of water contained in snow pack or depth of water that would theoretically result if the whole snow pack instantaneously melts. ( kg/m2 or m) Sea Ice Extent: Ocean surface area covered by ice (Km 2 )
NASA Snow Products NASA provides snow products derived from satellite measurements and atmosphere-land models Satellite-derived and model-derived snow products provide excellent spatial coverage and uniform temporal coverage Satellite observations of snow-cover, mass, and depth can be very useful in mountain areas where in-situ measurements are very difficult. Models are particularly useful in estimating snow-melt – important for its impact on run off and stream flow Long-term, global coverage of snow products from satellites and models are crucial for detecting and understanding Climate variability and change
NASA Snow Products Covered in this Training For a complete list go to: And click on Training Materials Snow Cover MODIS/Terra and Aqua, MERRA Sea Ice Extent MODIS/Terra and Aqua Surface Snowfall MERRA Snow Water Equivalent AMSR Snow Mass MERRA Snow DepthMERRA ProductsSource
Aqua Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) Flying on NASA’s Aqua satellites Provides rainfall, snow/ice, ocean surface temperatures, total column atmospheric moisture Twelve-channel, six- frequency, passive- microwave 6.925, 10.65, 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, and 89.0 GHz
Terra and Aqua MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 36 spectral bands ranging from 0.41 to microns. Many applications, including clouds, snow/ice, vegetation, aerosol Available in various resolution (depends on product) Arctic Sea Ice from MODIS
From Dorothy Hall NASA-GSFC
MODIS Snow Products Data Access and Visualization MODIS Snow Products are available from National Snow and Ice Data Center MODIS snow cover can be visualized on Google Earth maps at
MODIS Snow Products Data Access and Visualization: NASA LANCE Go To: In Step 1 Select: All Products Scroll Down and click on Launch WMS You will get a map, Click on Layers (upper right) and Select the layer you want To download the image: Hold the Shift key and with the mouse draw a square of the area you want to visualize
An atmospheric model using the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System Version 5 (GEOS-5) Blends output data of the GEOS model with vast quantities of observational data Focuses on historical analyses of the water cycle on a broad range of weather and climate time scales (hours to years) and places the NASA satellite observations in a climate context MERRA Monthly Snow Cover Over Chile Snow Cover : July-August 2009 Snow Cover over Chile:
MERRA Snow Products The following products are available from MERRA at 2/3° x 1/2° (approximately 75x50 km) spatial resolution and monthly temporal resolution from 1979 to present: Snow Cover Surface Snowfall Snow Mass Snow Depth
MERRA monthly snow products can be analyzed and visualized on Google Earth maps by using NASA Giovanni tool: ml Under Meteorological Portal – MERRA: 2D Monthly
MERRA Snow Products Data Access and Visualization MERRA Snow Products are available for downloading in HDF format from National Snow and Ice Data Center Users can choose spatial domain and temporal sub-sets to reduce data volume for downloading
NASA Snow Products Help monitoring/predicting River flow Monthly Discharge at eight locations along American River, California (USA) for 2005 (blue) and 2007 (red) Monthly Discharge (m 3 /s) from Stream Gauges American River originates in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The spring season discharge in the river shows significant correlation with the snowfall over Sierra Nevada during previous winter Larger amount of winter season snowfall in 2005 over Sierra Nevada Mountains resulted in larger stream flow rates in the American River, California (USA), during subsequent spring season, compared to MERRA Snow Depth 2005 and 2007MERRA Snowfall Rate 2005 and 2007