Each person needs a piece of paper. On one side: Draw California: Identify and Label – Mountains: Sierra Nevada, Coast Range, Klamath Mountains, San Gabriel – The Central Valley – Fresno (F), Sacramento (S), San Francisco (SF), Los Angeles (LA), San Diego (SD) – Rivers: Sacramento, San Joaquin, Los Angeles – Rain: Shade the area with highest rainfall in blue. – Mojave Desert
Sierra Nevada Coast Range Klamath Mts Mojave Desert San Gabriel
Divide the other side into four sections. Upper Left: 2 pie graphs. – 1. salty water vs fresh water earth. – 2. Fresh water: rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers, atmosphere Upper Right: Diagram a ponding basin. Diagram its purpose. Lower Left: Draw the hydrologic cycle – label as many processes as you can. Lower Right: What are two water issues in Fresno County?
Ponding Basin = Aquifer Recharge (Filling up the Groundwater) Impermeable Layer – (Rock, Clay)
Lack of Rain leading to drought Enough Water for Farmers Running out of drinking water Lack of water in the San Joaquin River Loss of Salmon in the San Joaquin River