ATA’s Sustainability Initiative Bob Pitcher V.P., State Laws American Trucking Associations
Sources: ATA and Global Insight Freight Tonnage Projections (2006 to 2018) 70% <1% 6% 2% 9% 13% Billions of Tons 2018 Market Share
Emission Improvements Year NOx PM 85% Additional 14% 90% Add’l 9%
Sustainability 2007 ATA task-force effort with broad representation 10-year commitment from the entire trucking industry to reduce fuel consumption and cut CO 2 emissions Program involves six recommendations A dedicated website:
ATA’s Recommendations: 1.Set a national speed limit of 65 mph and require governors to limit speeds of new trucks to 68 mph 2.Reduce idling 3.Increase fuel efficiency with participation in SmartWay 4.Reduce congestion through highway improvements 5.Promote more-productive truck combinations 6.Support national fuel economy standards
Speed Limits & Speed Governors Reducing speed limits for trucks to 65 mph could save: 2.8 billion gallons of diesel fuel in 10 years 31.5 million tons of CO 2 emission New national speed limit of 65 mph for all vehicles could save: 8.7 billion gallons of gasoline in 10 years 84.7 million tons of CO 2 emissions
Reduce Idling 1.1 billion gallons of diesel are consumed every year in idling trucks Long-duration truck idling now emits 13.3 million tons of CO 2 annually New technology to minimize idling has the potential to reduce CO 2 emissions by 67 to 133 million tons over 10 years
Improve Fuel Efficiency To qualify as a SmartWay member, a trucking company must develop a three-year plan to reduce fuel use and emissions SmartWay trucking partners will reduce fuel consumption in 2008 by an estimated 554 million gallons By 2012 EPA predicts participants will reduce their emissions by 48 million tons of CO 2
Reduce Congestion To reduce congestion on the highways ATA is calling for: Funding to fix the most critical bottlenecks Increased highway capacity Truck-only corridors in key areas If 437 key congestion bottlenecks were eliminated the trucking industry could save: 4.1 billion gallons of fuel over 10 years 45.2 million tons of CO 2 emissions
Use More-Productive Truck Combinations Allowing higher vehicle weights or increasing the use of longer combination vehicles will reduce the number of trucks on the road Allowing broader operation of trucks with higher maximum weight and heavier double 33-foot trailers could save: 20.5 billion gallons of diesel over 10 years million tons of CO 2
Increase Fuel Economy ATA supports increasing fuel economy standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks that are technologically and economically feasible and do not compromise truck performance Fleets are improving average fuel economy using new engineering features, driving techniques, aerodynamic adjustments, and design improvements