Submit for Evaluation Step 1: Create a Project – You can create a new project on the Synapse home page once you are logged in to hold your work for the challenge. When you first create a project only you will have access to it.
Submit for Evaluation Step 2: Upload your work – At a minimum, you will need to add a file to your project to use as a submission. This can be done on your project home page, or programmatically using our R, Python, or command line clients (see User Guide). Each challenge has its own specification of how submissions are to be structured, documented on the challenge home page. You can also use Synapse to share your work with team members, document your work using the integrated wiki tools, or record a complex analysis using our provenance tools. At the end of the challenge, you may even want to share your approach with the other participants.
Submit for Evaluation Step 3: Submit an entry for scoring – Once you are ready to have an entry scored, you can submit from the Synapse page for the file you wish to submit, or programmatically using our R, Python, or command line clients (see User Guide). Submission will allow our Challenge scoring system to access the file and generate a score to be posted on a public leader board, using the team name you provide when you submit. If you’ve already completed steps 1 and 2, you can also submit directly from the challenge home page now (Continues on to Entity finder). Don’t show help again