14:1 Converting to a War Economy – American productivity astounds the world Twice as productive as German workers Five times more productive than Japanese workers Stalin: “American production won the war”
14:1 Cost-Plus contracts – Gov’t paid companies for cost of product – Also guaranteed a profit – Faster production = more profits
14:1 Auto Industry – Begins making large trucks and jeeps – Also built artillery, rifles, mines – Willow Run (suburban Detroit) Makes B-24 bomber
14:1 War Production Board – Set priorities and production goals – Distributed raw materials Office of War Mobilization – Settle arguments between different agencies
14:1 Creating an Army – First peacetime draft in American history – 60,000 men enlisted one month after Pearl Harbor – At first Army was segregated African-Americans not given combat roles
14:1 Minorities and the War Effort – “Double V” Campaign Victory over Hitler’s racism and racism at home – Tuskegee Airmen Air Force all African-American unit – 1/3 of all Native-American men served
14:1 Women and the War Effort – WAACS Women’s Army Auxiliary Corp Many did not like being “auxiliary” – WACS Women’s Army Corp Mostly clerical work Oveta Culp Hobby, leader