Robert E. Slavin University of York -and- Johns Hopkins University
Not lack of knowledge about how children learn Lack of knowledge about how to help teachers apply research-proven methods
Importance of sterile procedures demonstrated by Lister, 1860 Hand washing still an issue today Checklists: Helping physicians use proven practices Cut infection rates 66%, saved 1500 lives in 18 months
Teachers using proven programmes Active involvement in choosing programmes 80% vote of staff Government supports creation, adoption, dissemination of proven programmes Incentive funding to schools using proven programmes Constant development and evaluation of new models
Use what works Modelled on medicine, agriculture, engineering Improve practice today Create dynamic of progressive improvement
Fields lacking respect for evidence innovate by taste, not research Fashion Art Education Innovation in Education Word of mouth Tradition Politics Marketing This must change
Proven programmes in every subject and year level Evaluated in rigorous experiments Systematic reviews of research - Trusted, impartial, valid - Educator friendly Policies to promote use of proven programmes
Randomised, matched evaluations of replicable programmes Strong tradition of experimental study in the US, other countries
Development in early 1990’s Evaluation Scale-up Funding for adoption of CSR models
Funding, encouragement essential Evaluate existing UK programmes Creating new programmes -Design competitions Import and evaluate non-UK programmes
UK: EPPI US: What Works Clearinghouse US & UK: Best Evidence Encyclopaedia
Strong Evidence of Effectiveness Classwide Peer Tutoring (IP) Missouri Mathematics Program (IP) Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS/IP) Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (IP) TAI Math (IP/MC) Moderate Evidence of Effectiveness Classworks (CAI) Cognitively Guided Instruction (IP) Connecting Maths Concepts (IP/MC) Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline (IP) Project SEED (IP) Small-Group Tutoring (IP)
US: Comprehensive School Reform US: No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Lesson: Be clear about proven programmes
Expand development & evaluation of promising programmes Grants to schools to adopt proven programmes Encouragement, support for use of proven programmes -OFSTED -TDA -Other agencies
Improved practices Expanded R&D from all sources Winners: -Children -Teachers -Publishers, software companies -Society at large