Implementing Sustainability Fiona Pelham Organise This
Objectives for the session 1.Understand the business case for sustainable events 2. Understand methods of measuring sustainability 3. Understand methods to minimise negative event impacts 4. Understand methods to maximise positive event impacts
Introduction to Sustainability What is Sustainability: The British Standards Institute definition of sustainability is: ‘An enduring, balanced approach to economic activity, environmental responsibility and social progress’.
The Business Case for Sustainability What are the key reasons people are implementing sustainability?
The Business Case for Sustainability What are the myths that exist about the implementation of sustainability?
The Business Case for Sustainability Staff talent and retention Education Lower overheads Growth of corporate CSR reports Competitive edge- new business
Case Study Measurements What measurements have been taken for this event?
Case Study Measurements Food Mileage Delegate travel mileage Delegate onsite mileage Equipment mileage Electricity Gas Water Waste
Case Study Measurements What are the potential negative impacts of this event?
Case Study Measurements How could the negative effects be avoided?
Avoiding Negative Effects: Useful conference content Onsite conference multi purpose Community hours Implementing new measurement systems to determine success
Enhancing Positive Effects: What could be done in the future for conference and events to enhance the positive effects on local community, environment and economy?
Current Measurements Green your event guides -basic checklist BS8901- sustainable event management system Delegate feedback
Implementing Case Study Ph1 Sustainable development policy Stakeholder engagement Identifying Issues Ph2 Roles and responsibilities Operational control- measurements High level buy in Ph3 Review of performance Audit The future
Identifying issues- Waste: Food Identify waste streams: 1)Reduce food waste via caterer: Bulk purchase= less packaging Local supplier= less carbon emissions 2) Re using food waste: Venue wormery onsite Local compost trial Food reuse programme where suitable 3) Measuring food waste: Food mileage Food waste
Thank you for your time! Questions For further information please contact Fiona Or visit
19 September 2007 | Slide 17 © Shockfish SA 2007 Please take 2 min now to fill your From the main menu select Messaging Select Inbox and open the survey Make your selection for each of the questions Select “submit” at the bottom of the survey and push OK. feedback survey!