Boundary Layer Theory Autumn semester 2005 The course has two components: 1. Laminar BLs. Dr Suzanne Fielding, School of Mathematics 2. Turbulent BLs. Dr David Apsley, MACE Assessment: 80% exam. 20% coursework (half laminar, half turbulent)
Laminar boundary layers Weeks 3, 4, 5, 6. Lectures: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon Fridays 9am – 11 am All in Ferranti building, room C26 Coursework given out wk 6. Hand in to me by 11 th Nov (wk 7) My contact details: office Lamb 1.28 phone
Recommended reading General fluid dynamics books (all have section on BLs) In increasing order of difficulty: Acheson Elementary fluid dynamics OUP 1990 Tritton Physical fluid dynamics OUP 1988 Batchelor An introduction to fluid dynamics CUP1967 Specialist BL books Schlichting & Gersten Boundary layer theory Springer 2000 Rosenhead Laminar boundary layers Dover 1963 Young Boundary layers BSP Professional 1989