In your SpringBoard book, answer the following question on p. 34: What do you already know about India, or Bharatavarsha, as its people refer to it in the Hindi language?
Let’s watch a short video on the life of Mohandas Gandhi, considered the “Father of India” for his courage in helping his country gain independence from the British…
Now that we have watched the video, I will read you some textual information about Gandhi. Take as many notes as you can, in the margin of p. 34. This is an exercise in listening! Make sure you are paying attention and writing down anything that strikes you as an important biographical detail about Gandhi. Try to answer question #2 on p. 34 to the best of your ability. In what context have you heard the name Gandhi? To whom would you compare his methods and his contributions to society?
Pay attention and read this carefully – it’s not complicated but you have to focus! You will be reading the short story “By Any Other Name” by Santha Rama Rau. We will read the first page together. With your groups, take turns reading and answering the Key Ideas and Details questions in the margin. While one person reads, the next person to the left is in charge of answering the next question. Keep rotating around the table – the next person to the left will read, and the person next to them answers the next question. Keep going in the circle until you finish the story and everyone has had at least one chance to read.
Answer questions 4-6 on p. 40, and complete the Check Your Understanding section at the bottom of the page. I will walk around and help you with that! Make sure you have completed p. 40 before you leave today!
If you have finished all of your work through to p. 40, you are free! No homework for you today, except Reading Plus. If not, tear out p. 40, take it home, and bring it next class.