This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (DUE ). GETSI C LASSROOM T ESTING & S TUDENT D ATA C OLLECTION K RISTIN O’C ONNELL, E LLEN I VERSON, B ETH P RATT -S ITAULA The webinar begins at: 11 am PT | 12 pm MT | 1 pm CT | 2 pm ET For audio, call: (or ) Access Code: Press *6 to mute and unmute (but hopefully we won’t need any muting)
G OALS FOR THIS W EBINAR By the end of the webinar you will be able to: 1.Find more information as you need it: – Web resources – Timeline – IRB 2.Know timing of piloting testing w/r/t authoring and rubric review 3.Understand what data will be collected, why, and how (GLE, attitudinal surveys, student work)
Identify Course & Module Learning Goals Identify learning objectives for individual lessons Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and objectives Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources Pilot Materials, Make changes
C LASSROOM P ILOT & D ATA C OLLECTION *IRB approval Development Timeline
Pre- & Post-course Geoscience Literacy Assessment (GLE 8 MC questions) 2 from each literacy document 4 Single answer and 4 “select all that apply” Two post-course short essay questions (interdisciplinary & systems thinking) GETSI is still deciding whether to include these
Critical to keep these questions SECURE! Example of GLE question
P OST - COURSE SHORT ESSAY QUESTIONS See websitewebsite Critical to keep these questions SECURE!
Graded by faculty of the pilot testing classroom based upon a rubric Summative and conclusive measuring the level of understanding when learning related to that module goal is completed Used in the same fashion in all materials pilot- testing classrooms
Pre- & post-course motivation and career interest survey (related to project evaluation)
Course Information Demographic data Faculty Reflection Surveys Checkpoint 4 (after development) Notes while teaching (individual reporting page) Post-Pilot After Revisions
Conducted and setup through SERC using course set-up form
GETSI C OURSE S TATUS P AGE Once your course set-up form is completed, this will be your go-to place to see your progress in the assessment process
Make contact with your IRB early (Checkpoint 1) Know that IRB procedures vary by institution Give project list of which students do not consent Carleton College has EXEMPT status You will need Carleton letter Consent form examples are posted tml tml Ask for help! IRB: What you Need to Know
Give students option to opt out at beginning of term Implied consent Signed consent IRB: What you need to know What about consent?
Data Collection Where can you find help?
G OALS FOR THIS W EBINAR By the end of the webinar you will be able to: 1.Find more information as you need it: – Web resources – Timeline – IRB 2.Know timing of piloting testing w/r/t authoring and rubric review 3.Understand what data will be collected, why, and how (GLE, attitudinal surveys, student work)
Testing Process and Assessment What questions do you have about testing and data collection?
“H OMEWORK ” Fill out Course Set Up form IRB process if needed