Electricity Put on the kettle Make some toast What’s in the oven? A great big roast. I can’t hear the radio The washing machine is on Are the socks in the tumble dryer? Because mine are all gone. Mam have you washed my tracksuit Try the washing machine I need it tomorrow mom Nice, neat and clean. Can I play on the computer? Can I watch t.v. All of these things Need electricity.
We must remember to plug things in!
Static Electricity Static electricity is often created when two objects that are not electrical are rubbed together.
What is static electricity? Rubbing the balloon on your hair and your hair will stick onto the balloon Rubbing plastic pen or comb on a jumper & pieces of paper will stick onto it Brushing your hair & hair will stick on your skin if you have a long hair If your hair's down, & you're going to put your sweater on your hair will stick onto your sweater