The French and Indian War The British charged the Americans high taxes after fighting the French and Indian War in the American Colonies
Stamp Act Tax passed 1765 The Stamp Act Tax was one of the taxed passed to help pay the high cost of the French and Indian war
Boston Massacre 1770 As a result of the Numerous Taxes on the colonists, the colonists began to protest and rebel
Boston Tea Party 1773 The tea tax was the final straw for the colonist. In protest, they tossed tea into the Boston Harbor
First Meeting of the 2 nd Continental Congress-1775 The Colonists met to discuss the problems and possible solutions with the British
Declaration of Independence signed The 1 st Continental Congress elected Thomas Jefferson to draft the Declaration of Independence after the issues with British could not be resolved.
Battle of Yorktown-1781 The Battle of Yorktown ended the American Revolution
Articles of Confederation accepted by states-1781 The Articles of Confederation was America’s FIRST Constitution
Shays’ Rebellion-1786 The Articles of Confederation had many flaws. Shay’s Rebellion was caused because of the lack of money.
Northwest Ordinace-1787 The Northwest territory was added to the Confederation which brought up the issue of slavery. The national government was too weak to settle this issue.
Delegates Finish Writing the Constitution-1787 The delegates met again to revise the Articles of Confederation, but a new government was necessary. The delegates wrote a new Constitution.
New Hampshire ratifies Constitution With the ratification from New Hampshire (9 th ), the Constitution became the official government of the American states.
George Washington sworn in as 1 st US president-1789 George Washington was the obvious choice for the 1 st US president because he was the military general who won us the American Revolution.
US Congress meets for the first time After the president had been sworn in the 1 st US Congress was ready to meet.
Bill of Rights added to the Constitution The Anti-federalist had been against the US Constitution because the national government was too strong, and it did not give the people rights. The Federalist wrote several essays that became known as The Federalist Papers trying to get support for the Constitution. The Federalist finally compromised and added the Bill of Rights.