Presented by the La Plata County EPIC Team Sponsored by: Dragon Youth Project at San Juan Basin Health Department Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation “Moving from Interest to Action initiative” supported by the National Association of City & County Health Officials & the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs
WHAT is Photovoice? Photography with a voice!! A community assessment tool used to gather data in a creative way to bring awareness to community members – young & old Keeps track of community’s strengths & concerns Promotes important discussion in community Helps work towards positive changes A way to express ourselves!!
WHERE is Bayfield? Southwest Colorado – La Plata County Population – 1,800 “Bedroom Community” – 18 miles east of Durango (pop. 15, 500) 31% of Bayfield population are youth under age 18
WHY??? There’s nothing to do! I can’t buy condoms THERE! Everyone else is doing it… I’d rather be bowling then having sex… I can’t talk to my parents about THAT!
WHY are we doing this? To change the community To show what teens don’t have but need to stay healthy To break assumptions that teens actually have something to do To give teens a voice! To encourage healthy decision making by Bayfield teens To try to prevent teen pregnancy
La Plata County EPIC TEAM EPIC TEAM stands for Every Pregnancy Is Considered Through Every Aspect of the Mind and consists of teens from La Plata County (currently only Bayfield) who are concerned with preventing teen pregnancy in our area The EPIC TEAM hopes to help La Plata County teens become more aware of consequences and more capable of making healthy decisions We have been meeting since Winter 2008
Our Thoughts…
Our Hopes To make a difference and get a real response To help the community see that we can make changes To offer more health services for teens To avoid the increase of teen pregnancy in Bayfield
Contact Us! Kendra Gallegos Reichle EPIC TEAM Coordinator San Juan Basin Health Department PO Box 140 Durango, CO (970) ext 225 FIND US ON FACEBOOK!! Search: LA PLATA COUNTY EPIC TEAM