Mr. Hernandez Room 274
Needed everyday Binder 1” or 2” 1” good for one semester 2” good for whole year Pencil and a Pen Pencil # 2 Pen must be Blue or Black ink!
GPS Planner Use it! Composition Book Lab write ups Earth Science book I will let you know when it is needed (keep in locker)
What is Earth Science? Earth Science: The study of the Earth and of the universe around it.
Examples: ◦ Earthquakes ◦ Volcanoes
GGeology OOceanography MMeteorology AAstronomy
Study of the origin, history, and structure of the solid earth and the processes that shape it.
The study of Earth’s oceans
The study of Earth’s Atmosphere
The study of the universe outside of Earth
Describe TWO reasons that make Earth Science important to study.
Scientific Method ?
Organized, logical approach for doing scientific research.
Scientific investigation 5 major components
Scientific investigation Question/purpose Hypothesize Materials Procedure Observations
Scientific investigation Question/purpose Simple statement of what is being tested.
Scientific investigation Hypothesis=educated guess One possible solution to the question that is clearly testable.
Scientific investigation Materials needed: What you need to test your hypothesis
Scientific investigation Procedure: Set of steps that you follow when testing your hypothesis.
Scientific investigation Observations: See Hear Touch Smell Taste
Because it is easy! Organized Clear
Kittens Puppies Elephants Badgers Laser sharks People like kittens more than sharks!
Easy to read
Independent variable: What you control! or observe Dependent variable: What changes as result of what you controlled
Powers of 10 Easy Standard for most of the world (always in Science) ◦ Gotta luv it!
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