Purpose: to inform others of the qualities and interests of the person being discussed. Audience members then recognize common interests and have a basis for conversation when the new person begins working within the group.
An introduction that clearly states the person’s name. “Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen it is my honor introduce __________________. 1-2 minute body of the speech that gives the basic facts of the subjects life and two or three interesting anecdotes that reveal the personality. A simple close that repeats the name: Ladies and Gentlemen_____________.
Respond to the general interview questions with some detail that you would be willing to have shared and that will formthe basis of a good story. Meet with your assigned group and share the stories together. Choose who will introduce whom in a round robin style of arrangement. Write your speech about your assigned person in the basic format. Read it over several times to become familiar enough to make eye contact while you present it.
Basic Biography: Where were you born, how long have you lived here in Scott County? How many people are in your family- siblings? What is the age difference between you and your siblings? Where did you attend Elementary and Middle School. What are your favorite subjects? Why? What is one of the hardest things you have ever had to do? Why? What one thing are you looking most forward to this year? Why? If your house caught on fire, what one thing would you save and why?
How would you like to spend your next birthday? Why? What foods do you most love? Why? What experience has left you with a feeling of amazement and awe? What experience left you feeling proud? What pet peeve makes you the most angry? Why? What favorite holiday tradition would you like to continue in your own family? What do you think your clothing choices say about your personality?