1 Tatsuya Chujo Univ. of Tsukuba Soft particle production at RHIC CNS-RIKEN workshop “Physics of QGP at RHIC” (Feb. 16, 2006)


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Presentation transcript:

1 Tatsuya Chujo Univ. of Tsukuba Soft particle production at RHIC CNS-RIKEN workshop “Physics of QGP at RHIC” (Feb. 16, 2006)

2 Outline Single particle spectra –Hadron freeze-out Kinetic and chemical properties. Resonance production and time scale. –Hadron production at intermediate p T Baryon-meson effect. High statistics  meson data. Cu+Cu 200 GeV results and N part scaling. –d+Au experiment HBT two particle correlation –Systematics of HBT measurements and Hydro. –1D source imaging.

3 Space-Time Evolution of System 1. Hard scattering 2. Thermalization and QGP 3. Chemical freeze out (particle abundances fixed) 4.Kinetic freeze out (elastic Interactions cease) ♦Hadrons: interact strongly - can probe the evolution of the system and its medium effect

4 p T spectra at RHIC

5   Strange baryon spectra 200 GeV Au+Au 62.4 GeV Au+Au

6 RHIC data set ( )  s = 200 GeV (2001, 2003, 2005).  s NN = 200 GeV (2003).  s NN = 62.4 GeV(2004), 130 GeV (2000), 200 GeV (2001, 2004).  s NN = 22.5, 62.4, 200 GeV (2005).

7 Hadron freeze-out properties 1.Kinetic freeze-out 2.Chemical freeze-out 3.Timescale between chemical and kinetic freeze-out

8 Semi-Inclusive soft particle spectra D.d'Enterria &D. Peressounko nucl-th/ Au+Au 200 GeV central (b < 2.6 fm) Hydro QCD :  < K < p consistent with radial flow picture. 25% (  ) to 40% (p) increase from peripheral to central PHENIX:PRC 69, (2004)

9 Kinetic freeze-out particle spectra  kinetic freeze-out properties, total collective radial flow.  ,K,p: T kin decreases,  increases with centrality.  ,  (low hadronic x- sections): higher T kin ≈ T ch (for 200 GeV Au+Au), still significant radial flow. Blast wave fit T ch

10 Chemical freeze-out hadron-chemistry: particle ratios  chemical freeze-out properties short lived resonances T ch ss T ch ≈ T C ≈ 165 ± 10 MeV Chemical freeze-out ≈ hadronization. s ~ u, d Strangeness is chemically equilibrated at RHIC energies. STAR white paper Nucl. Phys A757 (05) 102

11 In p+p particle ratios are well described with T=160 MeV. Resonance ratios in Au+Au are not are well described with T ch = 160  10 MeV,  B = 24  5 MeV (O. Barannikova). Resonance Suppression STAR Preliminary p+p 200 GeVAu+Au 200 GeV c.f.) F. Becattini, Nucl. Phys. A 702, 336 (2002) But thermal model is not perfect…

12 Thermal model [1]: T = 177 MeV  B = 29 MeV [1] P. Braun-Munzinger et.al., PLB 518(2001) 41 D.Magestro, private communication [2] Marcus Bleicher and Jörg Aichelin Phys. Lett. B530 (2002) 81. M. Bleicher and Horst Stöcker.Phys.G30 (2004) 111. Rescattering and regeneration is needed ! UrQMD [2] Life time [fm/c] :  (1020) = 40  (1520) = 13 K(892) = 4  ++ = 1.7  p+p ratios are consistent with thermal model prediction T=160 MeV Resonance Production in p+p and Au+Au

13  1520) p K  p K Re-scattering Between chemical and kinetic freeze-out: (shot lived resonances) Rescattering > Regeneration -> Resonance signal loss Time chemical freeze-out end of inelastic interactions T~170 MeV particle abundance kinetic freeze-out end of elastic interactions T~110MeV particle spectra, HBT Detector Regeneration Resonance Yields: Re-scattering / Regeneration Scenario

14 Model includes: Temperature at chemical freeze-out Lifetime between chemical and thermal freeze- out No regeneration included. results between : T= 160 MeV =>  > 4 fm/c (lower limit !!!)  = 0 fm/c => T= MeV  (1520)/  =   K*/K - = 0.20  0.03 at 0-10% most central Au+Au G. Torrieri and J. Rafelski, Phys. Lett. B509 (2001) 239 Life time: K(892) = 4 fm/c  (1520) = 13 fm/c Temperature, Lifetime and from  (1520) /  and K(892)/K

15 More Resonances from PHENIX From combinations of  ±, K ±, p,  p, and  n in PHENIX. Invariant mass [GeV/c 2 ] 00 K0sK0s p T =1-2 GeV/c Invariant mass [GeV/c 2 ] p T =1-2 GeV/c  Invariant mass [GeV/c 2 ] K *0 p T =1-2 GeV/c Invariant mass [GeV/c 2 ] Not enough statistics..    p T =1-2 GeV/c Invariant mass [GeV/c 2 ]  p T =1-2 GeV/c Invariant mass [GeV/c 2 ]  p T =1-2 GeV/c Invariant mass [GeV/c 2 ]  p T =1-2 GeV/c Demonstration from –Run3 s NN =200 GeV p+p –~24M events of Min Bias trigger From SQM04 M. Kaneta

16 Physics at intermediate p T

17 Baryon Anomaly at RHIC More (anti) baryons than pions at moderate p T (2-5 GeV/c). Does not look like vacuum jet fragmentation. Factorization assumption of jet fragmentation completely breaks down. Peripheral Central PHENIX: PRL 91, (2003), PRC 69, (2004) (anti-) Proton /  Ratio

18 No suppression for protons p, pbar : No suppression at intermediate p T (1.5 GeV GeV) Why. Is it due to strong radial flow or other mechanism? R CP ~ R AA Shaded boxes : N part, N coll determination errors. PHENIX: PRL 91, (2003), PRC 69, (2004) Recombination model Fries, et al, nucl-th/ Greco, Ko, Levai, nucl-th/

19 Other hadrons? baryon meson The mesons and baryons form two distinct groups, independent of particle mass. Diverge at p T ~ 2 GeV/c and come together at 5 GeV/c. Observed for first time at RHIC.

20 More on  →K + K - R AA (new Run4 data)  R AA (high statistics Run4 data) looks like the   rather than the proton, even if mass(  ) ~ mass(p)! Suggested that it’s not the mass effect (flow). Nuclear Modification Factor

21  meson “R cp “ from STAR Run-4 :Au+Au 200 GeV Note: it’s not R AA ! Confirmed that high statistics  data behaves like meson. Favor: recombination model at intermediate p T. R cp

22 System size dependence: 200 GeV Baryon/meson ratio at 2 GeV in Cu+Cu scales as N part.  Rather is smooth transition from Cu+Cu to Au+Au. p/  ratio in Cu+Cu/Au+Au Central Au+Au Central Cu+Cu

23 d+Au experiment

24 The Baseline: p+p and d+Au p+p and d+Au data from RHIC Run-3 at √s NN =200 GeV PRELIMINARY nucl-ex/ (STAR) Combination of TOF and TPC info. High p T p and  PID: Multi-Gaussian fit of dE/dx distribution (relativistic rise, TPC). Charged kaon contaminations can be estimated by K 0 s yields

25 R dAu and Cronin effect Phys. Lett. B 586, 244 (2004) No suppression at intermediate and high p T at midrapidity. Protons have a significant enhancement, traditionally called “the Cronin effect” (~40%). Initial Glauber-Eikonal multiple scattering model by Accardi and Gyulassy describes the data well. CGC: Kharzeev, Levin, McLerran Phys. Lett. B 561, 93 (2003) PRELIMINARY

26 R dA from STAR R dAu (pT = GeV/c): –Proton ~1.5 (min. bias) –Pion ~1.25 (min. bias) nucl-ex/ (STAR)  p

27 R AuAu vs. R dAu Pions suppressed by a factor of ~6 with respect to protons Proton Cronin effect larger by ~30% d+Au collisions can not account for the huge gap between protons and pions in central Au+Au collisions. PRELIMINARY

28 Need something else too… Recombination?! Recombination of shower partons in A+A and p+A: Thermal and shower components. HWA & YANG Phys.Rev.C70:037901,2004. “Thermal Thermal+Shower Fragmentation (one jet) Different jets. “

29 HBT measurements

HBT: Femtoscopic radii Scaling of R(d N ch /d  m T,  s NN ) for data and full hydro calculations. New tool: source imaging technique. Nice summary paper: “Femtoscopy in RHIC”, Soltz, Lisa, Pratt, Wiedemann, nucl-ex/

31 Femtoscopy = measurement that provides spatio-temporal information on fm scale (via interactions on MeV scale). “Femtoscopic” correlations Statistical Interference Coulomb Interaction Strong Interaction fermi sized source MeV correlation fit to Gaussian model

32 A simple (2-particle) source Can we resolve the  contaminations and/or see an exponential tail? Resonance cloud sub MeV correlation irresolvable reduces strength R long 2 ~   (lifetime) R side 2 ~ dx 2 (geometry) R out 2 ~ dx 2 + dt 2 - 2dxdt  decay resolvable?

Scaling #1 N part scaling shows clear dependence on initial state geometric overlap R long obeys dN/d  scaling R side shows slight preference R out appears to increase for lower energy systems

34 Scaling #2 - Transverse (pair) Mass Simple picture of space-time evolution, w/ no room for hadron re-scattering? R 2  =   ? R 2K + = R 2K - ?

35 The “HBT Puzzle” in Hydro 1.flow effect 2.hadronic re- scattering 1.viscosity 2.better EOS All solutions partial - break agreement w/ flow, spectra, other radii. Look again at systemmatics.

GeV Hydro vs. Data R long scaling fully reproduced R out slight increase for lower energy, agreement at mid- centrality R side hydro extrapolates back to dAu

37 Source imaging at AGS/RHIC 1D image yields excess over angle avg. 3D Gaussian fits  contribution or long duration tail? 3D imaging may answer nucl-th/ (Brown) also nucl-th/ Pratt & Danielewicz PRELIMINARY

38 Summary (1) Kinetic freeze-out – ,K,p: T kin decreases,  increases with centrality. –kinetic freeze-out ≈ chemical freeze-out (~ 160 MeV). Chemical freeze-out / Resonances –Provide a time scale between chemical and kinetic freeze-out. –Re-scattering and regeneration model:  > 4 fm (lower limit). Baryon/Meson effect –High statistics  R AA : meson like behavior, favorable recombination model. –Cu+Cu data: N part scaling worked. d+Au experiment –Particle type depended of R dAu : p < K < p, but not enough to account for baryon/meson effect in Au+Au. –Recombination in d+Au?

39 Summary (2) HBT measurements –detailed systematics in N part & dN  d  vs Hydro  R long (dN  d ,m T ) fully reproduced by hydro R out (dN  d ,m T ) decreasing with increasing  s NN R side (dN  d ,m T ) remains a challenge –Source imaging: evidence for a long tail in pion emission source. Run-6 (Mar.- Jun., 2006) will start soon! p+p (62.4 GeV, 200 GeV, 22.5 GeV?) will provide important reference data for lower energy Au+Au/Cu+Cu data set.