EI Resources Angelique Luedeker, ITEP
2 Guidance Documents EPA’s AP-42: Read the sections for your sources! ◦ ◦ Can access through links in TEISS calculators, too EPA’s Emissions Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) ◦ ◦ Volume 6: Good QA/QC guidance for EI
3 Guidance Documents (cont.) ITEP TEISS Online Training ◦ asp asp ◦ Entirely self-directed Fire Event Users Guide for TEISS ◦ Put together by Kris Ray, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation ◦ Available from course download site TEISS_Resources/Resources/ TEISS_Resources/Resources/
4 Data Sources 2008 NEI importable into TEISS ◦ Must set up an EIS account first ◦ EIS Gateway System x.html x.html 2002 NEI importable into TEISS ◦ Point: ◦ Nonpoint
5 Data Sources (cont.) Energy Information Administration ◦ dex.html dex.html ◦ Data on energy consumption in homes and other buildings Can be used if local information isn’t available, or to QC local numbers you generate
6 Data Sources (cont.) U.S. Census data ◦ Good source for Population Number of households Number of households heating with a specific fuel Land area ◦ Use only if local sources not available
7 Other Info EPA databases ◦ Envirofacts ( Compilation of many EPA databases in one place including Air Facility System (AFS), Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), etc. Searchable by location, facility, pollutant, etc. ◦ AirData ( NEI data summaries for annual emissions Reports, maps and queries for locations, facilities, etc. Can be useful for looking at what’s already being reported to EPA in your area
8 More Resources EPA’s TTN CHIEF website ◦ Training ◦ Guidance ◦ EIS access and resources ◦ Emissions modeling ◦ And more! California Air Resources Board ◦ Emissions factors, data, resources, and more TEISS Open Office Hours Webinars