Image-based modelling Manaal Fatima 309185696
Image-based modelling Create 3D model from MRI or CT scans Ability to export model for finite element analysis Extensive applications in biomechanical research Image source:
Types of scans CT: Computed tomography Uses x-rays MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging Targets hydrogen molecules
CT vs. MRI scans CT MRI Image source: Vidalink LLC (2007), from
DICOM data format Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Data set of images containing each slice Different planes: 1. Coronal 2. Sagittal 3. Transverse
Slices in different planes Source: Science Photo Library
Available software Mimics Amira Rhino3D ScanIP (from Simpleware)
Import DICOM data
Segmentation Identify artefact boundaries Automatically perform on all slices Automatically segments all planes
Segmentation cont..
Generate the model Further post-processing
Post-modelling Meshing Create an assembly Export for FEA