A Summary of some NoS Ideas
Big Ideas from Learning Area Statement (1) Students develop an understanding of the world, built on current scientific theories; Students learn that science involves particular processes and ways of developing & organizing knowledge and that these continue to evolve; – Generate & test ideas – Gather evidence (observations, investigations, modeling, communicating, debating) – Work logically & systematically with creative insight – Different cultures & periods of history have contributed
Big Ideas from Learning Area Statement (2) Students use their current scientific knowledge and skills for problem solving and developing further knowledge; Students use scientific knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about the communication, application, and implications of science as these relate to their own lives and cultures and to the sustainability of the environment.
NoS: Understanding About Science AO: Learn about science as a knowledge system: features of scientific knowledge & processes by which it is developed; ways scientists’ work interacts with society. L6 Aim: Understand that scientists’ investigations are informed by current scientific theories, collect evidence & interpret it thru logical argument. Activities: Suggest, compare & evaluate explanations; evaluate the quality of evidence; test, debate and present ideas for critical scrutiny
dynamic.html#anchor Read Preface & Historical Perspective Complete timeline What 4 major scientific ideas pushed the development of this theory? What do you think leads us to discover new things and form new ideas?
NoS: Investigating in Science AO: Carry out different types science investigations: classify & identify, use models, pattern-seek, explore, fair test, make things or develop systems. L6 Aim: Develop and carry out more complex investigations, including using models & multiple variables. Begin to evaluate the suitability of investigative methods chosen. Activities: Ask questions, make predictions, use systematic approaches & scientific conventions, process & interpret data, evaluate inv, report
NoS: Communicating in Science AO: Develop knowledge of the vocabulary, numeric and symbol systems, & conventions of science & use this knowledge to communicate about their own/others’ ideas L6 Aim: Use a wider range of science vocab, symbols & conventions. Apply their understandings of science to evaluate both popular & scientific texts (including visual and numerical literacy). Activities: Use science ideas, vocab to construct explanations using aids and quantitative ideas
Communicating with images What "message" about the greenhouse effect is the artist giving us? Compare your explanation of this message with those sitting near you. Original source: MAF website and now an ARB item
NoS: Participating and Contributing AO: Students will bring a scientific perspective to decisions and actions as appropriate. L6 Aim: Develop an understanding of socio- scientific issues by gathering relevant scientific information to draw evidence-based conclusions & take action where appropriate Activities: Care for the environment (prioritise values, justify positions), engage in social issues (debate, take collaborative action)