PHYSICS: CHAPTER 35 Basic Circuitry Project – Lesson 1 What’s today’s activity about? Dad… We’re going to look at the basics of circuitry. Circuitry was the topic of my doctoral thesis. Gabe… you’re the smartest one- year-old I know.. Well…I come by my intellect naturally.
PHYSICS: CHAPTER 35 Basic Circuitry Project – Lesson 1 Aw…shucks… That’s a nice thing to say about your old man. What? Nah…we just keep you around to cook and clean… Mom is the smartest person I know. I though you were trying to say that I was a smart guy.
Review of Basic Terms Let’s start by reviewing. Watch the following video clip about potential difference… By the way… what’s a more common name for potential difference? I’d better take over from here…
Review of Basic Terms Take a minute right now and answer the questions about voltage on your worksheet.
Review of Basic Terms Here is a short clip about current. Which direction do the electrons actually flow in a circuit?
Review of Basic Terms Take a minute right now and answer the questions about current on your worksheet.
Review of Basic Terms Here is a short clip about resistance. Is there any material that has zero resistance?
Review of Basic Terms Take a minute right now and answer the questions about resistance on your worksheet. Resistance…is that like when I refuse to make changing my diaper easy? Good times…
Review of Basic Terms Here is one last video clip dealing with Ohm’s Law. Remember that Ohm’s Law is actually an equation…
Review of Basic Terms Finish answering the last review questions on your worksheet. Let’s move on and talk about different types of circuits.
Types of Circuits A series circuit is an electrical circuit where the elements are wired “in line” so that current must flow from one element to the next in order. FUN FACTS ABOUT SERIES CIRCUITS: 1.The current is same at every point in the circuit. 2.The sum of the voltages across individual elements is the same as the voltage of the battery. 3.If the circuit is broken, the current will stop flowing.
Types of Circuits A parallel circuit is an electrical circuit where the elements are wired along different “branches” so that current can flow along different paths. FUN FACTS ABOUT PARALLEL CIRCUITS: 1.The current may be different along different branches. 2.The voltage across each branch of a parallel circuit is the same. 3.If the circuit is broken along one branch, the current can still flow along the other branch(es).
Schematic Diagrams Now let’s review what you remember about drawing schematic diagrams. I’ll name a circuit component…you sketch the symbol… WIRE
Schematic Diagrams Now let’s review what you remember about drawing schematic diagrams. I’ll name a circuit component…you sketch the symbol… BATTERY
Schematic Diagrams Now let’s review what you remember about drawing schematic diagrams. I’ll name a circuit component…you sketch the symbol… RESISTOR
Schematic Diagrams Now let’s review what you remember about drawing schematic diagrams. I’ll name a circuit component…you sketch the symbol… LIGHT BULB
Getting Started on the Project It’s now time to begin the lesson. You will be using hands-on materials and a computer simulation to explore the nature and characteristics of circuits. Since I’m still having trouble figuring out how to walk, be sure ask my dad if you have questions. He really is smarter than he looks…