Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky. Educational program: Mechanic - electrician Title of program: Technical training II. class Transistor stage with common base Worked out: Bc. Chumchal Miroslav
Scheme of connection of transistor stage with SB Recessing drawing Amplifier with common base Components specification Properties of amplifier with SB Students activities Control questions Connection of transistor with common base
Scheme of connection of transistors stage with SB
Recessing drawing
Amplifier with common base
Components Value T NPN ( BC 548 ) R1 470 R2 10K R3 M1 R4 4K7 C1, C3 1M/16V C2 20M/16V Components specification
Quantity Value Input resistance ( R VST ) Very small ( 10 ohm – 10O ohm ) Output resistance ( R VÝST ) Very big ( 100k – 1M ) Voltage amplification ( A U ) Very big ( 100 – 1000 ) Curent amplification ( A I ) none Efficiency amplification ( A P ) small ( 10 – 100 ) Properties of connection of amplifier with SB
Design connection according to scheme on circuit board. Before soldering of components take their measurements. Join components with solder and activate the amplifier. Take measurement of the amplifier. Students practical activities
What value of voltage you can measure out on transistor electrodes ? How big electric current passing through the circuit ? Calculate amplification of amplifier Au and compare with connection with SE. Calculate gain in dB and compare with connection with SE too. Make an evaluating of your work. Students activities- control questions
Poznáváme Elektroniku I.,Václav Malina, Vydalo nakladatelství KOPP,České Budějovice, 1996 vypočet tranzistorového stupně Vlastní poznámkový sešit Literature used