Thank You for Taking a Guided Tour of The Dealer Advantage On-line System
Each time a user logs onto the system, they will be required to enter a username and password. This username and password carries with it the appropriate access level (determined by dealership management). For demonstration purposes both are: dealer Please Click on the Log In button to continue
This screen lists each menu available to a particular user. Each of the menus contain information pertaining to everything from customer information to claims to dealership personal information. Let’s look at how to complete a claim… Please click on MVP Claims
You are now in the Claims side of the system. To access a specific customer record simply enter any of the following pieces of customer information: a portion of the VIN, customer last name, customer phone number or contract number. In this case 123 is entered to illustrate a portion of the customer’s VIN Please click on the Search For Customer button
Depending on what search parameter was entered (last 6 of VIN, last name, etc.) you may have to select your customer from a list… Let’s select Ryan Hoff
Here is where the service writer/ manager can find Ryan’s personal information This is the customer’s service record that includes authorization and RO numbers as well as the type of service that is to be completed Let’s assume Ryan came in for his next available LOF and TR Please Click on Available
The Service Writer/Manager will now enter the following information: R/O number, mileage and any additional sales (i.e. customer pay items) Click anywhere to continue
The information is now entered and ready for approval and assignment of an authorization number. Click the Add button
The claim is now completed. The writer/ manager can now view their authorization number and finalize the transaction Click anywhere to continue
This concludes the demonstration of completing claims. Once done a few times, this process takes less than 15 seconds to complete. In the following frames, we will look at several of the system’s reporting features. Please click on Reporting to continue
Above are examples of several reports available to you. These reports give you the ability to look at your customer enrollments, reserve dollars, claims, missed visits and much more Let’s look at an example of a store claims report. Please click on Store Claims
A Store Claims Report will show all claims that occurred within a specified period of time for a store or specific store within your group. Required information consists of a Begin Date, End Date, the store and in what order you would like to View the information. Please click Go
Below is all claim activity that has occurred at this specific store within the dates of 01/01/1900 and 09/17/2007 Two specific columns to note are the Service $ and Sale $. The Service $ column shows you the amount of money this customer’s service cost/amount needed to reimburse service. The Sale $ shows the amount of upsale dollars made steaming from this customer’s visit to YOUR service department! Click Anywhere to Continue
Now let’s look at an example of a Group Reserve Report. Please click on Group Reserve
Depending on which type of program you choose to implement will dictate what selection is made in the Obligor Type Box Then you will select the year in which you would like to view the report For Demonstration purposes, the obligor type is All and the year is 2007 Please Click the Go button to continue. The Group Reserve Report is a report designed to give you a snapshot of your entire book of business. This is an overview of the health of your program The report is setup much a like a financial statement and combines enrollments, claims, reserves dollars and earned reserves.
The First 3 columns are monthly totals. The ITD (Inception-to-Date) columns are running totals since inception of your program. The last 2 columns are the most significant in terms of success and profitability. These columns are generally the most important on this report. Please Click Anywhere to Conclude your tour
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