Essential Question: Why Then? Why Now? Objectives: –Understand why Shakespeare wrote Macbeth –Relate Macbeth to historical events/people –Formulate background knowledge of theme, characterization and plot to prepare for reading
Why did Shakespeare write Macbeth? A.For Fame B.For Money C.For his Wife D.For torturing high school seniors E.None of the Above A.For Fame B.For Money C.For his Wife D.For torturing high school seniors E.None of the Above
Everybody Has a Boss…Shakespeare wrote to entertain, impress, and flatter King James I When Queen Elizabeth I died, her cousin, King James VI of Scotland, took over the throne of England and became King James I of England in 1603.
King James I Trivia… Believed in ghosts and witches Thought that witches reeked havoc on mankind and could tell the future
Also, King James… –Was afraid that he could be overthrown by conspirators Theme: “Bad things happen when you wrong your King” –Was Scottish Setting: Scotland –Was a descendent of real Banquo Characters: Banquo included as a good and honorable character Macbeth King James’ patronage – Shakespeare’s acting group: The King’s Men
So, now that we know “Why” he wrote it, “How” did Shakespeare come up with the story of Macbeth? A. Own life experiences B. Stories his mother told him C. King James’ request D. Events in History E. None of the Above
Reality Behind the Fiction… Macbeth is loosely based upon several real events and people found in Holinshed’s Chronicles (historical accounts of England, Scotland and Ireland).
History vs. Fiction Holinshed’s Chronicles …. Contains the story of Macbeth, who killed King Duncan. Macbeth, with Banquo, openly killed the king. (In the play, Banquo is innocent). Lady Macbeth did not historically have a role in the murder of Duncan. Contains the story of Donwald, who, urged by his wife, killed his guest, King Duff. Shakespeare combined these two historical accounts from Holinshed’s Chronicles in order to create his play.
Where & When are we…? Setting: Scotland (except one scene in England) Time: Medieval Period (1040) A B C D E F A: Macbeth’s castle B: Duncan’s palace C: forest near Dunsinane D: Macduff’s castle E: coronation of Scottish kings F: Macbeth’s later castle
The Setting Survives… The remains of Inverness, one of the castles in the play, still stands today in Northern Scotland.
What was Medieval Scotland like…? Feudalism – weak central government, thanes (lords) very powerful; king not supreme (“first among equals”) Clans – loyalty to one’s clan more important to king or country Violence – dangerous time to rule; kings ruled Scotland (12 assassinated)
Beowulf was an epic hero King Arthur was a romantic hero… Macbeth = Tragic Hero –Member of power class by birth or conquest –Heightened powers and destiny compared to average person –Fate is a product of what others do and what he/she chooses –Strong individualism, extremism –Represents humankind in a universal sense –Intelligent and sensitive –Learns through suffering, isolation –FATAL FLAW Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Elements of Tragedy… Falling Action 5. Resolution
Checking for Understanding… Who took over the throne when Queen Elizabeth I died? How did Shakespeare use the play to flatter the new king? Where did Shakespeare come up with the historical ideas for Macbeth? Where and when does the play take place? What are some characteristics of an epic hero?