Governance & evaluation of the Pupil Premium – An Introduction Ensure that all improvement actions are closely monitored to check that they are having.


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Presentation transcript:

Governance & evaluation of the Pupil Premium – An Introduction Ensure that all improvement actions are closely monitored to check that they are having the desired impact A specific focus on the school’s use of the pupil premium, in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and governance may be improved Governors have sufficient information to monitor the impact of performance management targets and of the pupil premium funding

What is the Pupil Premium? The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. A child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding if they qualify for FSM or if they have been in continuous care for more than six months (or have met either of these criteria at any point in the last six years).

What additional funding do we receive?

How do we use the Pupil Premium At Chorlton our Intervention strategy is known as the 4Is Inform Identify Intervene Impact

Inform: - Collect Data & Information Half termly data collection Effort and attainment grade in all subjects Attendance & Punctuality data Behaviour & Exclusion data Pastoral knowledge & information Shared in standardised report formats ‘Joining the Dots’ Meetings and data capture Risk Factor Analysis

Inform: Assessment Tracking

Joining the Dots Marksheet

Identify: Who do we need to work with Analysis of the data allows us to: Identify students in need of support and intervention Monitor progress of students / groups Assign appropriate interventions Assign staff to act as ISGs Individual Success Guarantors Intervention is irrespective of PP status

Identify: Who are the PP students Students identified as PP on entry to school. Identification flagged due to change of circumstance. Regular cross-check with Keys to Success database. We try to develop an understanding of how PP students are distributed across the school.

Intervene: What do we actually do? Everyone in the school has a responsibility to provide additional intervention for our students. Specific Teams have specific delivery responsibilities. Key staff provide one-to-one or small group support. We have appointed additional staff to provide specific tailored support. We use additional ‘capacity’ / overstaffing to maximum effect. We try to provide a personalised and tailored approach for every child in need of support.

Impact: What is working Analysis of Data / progress information Tracking and comparison against National Averages Scrutiny of interventions – impact reports Understanding of ‘individual need’ and impact – Case studies

Impact: What is working What is the story behind the data?

What do Governors need to know? Everything? How much PP funding does the school receive? How are you using it? Is it having an impact? How do you know?

What are our next steps? What structures / processes are already in place? How does the Leadership quality assure the impact of Pupil Premium? What changes do we need to consider? How are Governors assured about the impact of Pupil Premium?