Alcohol & Drugs
Who drinks? Children from wealthy families –at greater risk than middle class College graduates –Less likely to drink heavily (Compared to H.S. dropouts) High school dropouts –Heavy & problem drinkers
Effects Body weight is a factor Women’s stomachs absorb alcohol more efficiently = higher blood alcohol levels with less drinking
Problems with alcohol Tolerance Dependence Withdrawal Addiction
Tolerance More drug to get same effect
Dependence Body becomes dependent on drug for normal functioning Removal = withdrawal symptoms
Withdrawal The “shakes” –DT’s = Delirium tremens Hallucinations Disorientation Convulsions
Alcohol & pregnancy Decrease in fertility = infertility Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Stillbirths Miscarriage –Even with light to moderate drinking
Indirect hazards Accidents Aggressive behavior Suicidal ideas and attempts Unprotected sex Forced sexual experience
Why do people drink? Environment Genetics –Particularly in men
Alcohol dependency syndrome Impaired control Drink-seeking behavior Awareness of the compulsion to drink Withdrawal symptoms –Drink to avoid withdrawal symptoms Negative reinforcement
Change without therapy Spontaneous remission –Quitting without a formal cessation program
Relapse About = Smoking, opiate (drug) use
Opiate drugs (e.g. Heroin) Tolerance and dependence quickly –As little as 24 hours