CS 290: VoIP Project By Rudy Sevile
Summary AudioRecord AudioTrack UDP TCP Eclipse and LogCat
AudioRecord Use this class to record your voice from the microphone. Use startRecording() to start the recording and then “pull” data from the microphone using read(byte[] buffer, int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes). Call stop() to stop the recorder and release() to release the resources.
AudioTrack Allows you to play audio. As with the AudioRecord, a buffer is set. Use play() to start playing and audio track, then send data to be played with write(byte[] buffer, int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes). Call stop() to stop the player and release() to release the resources.
UDP When implementing UDP, you can rely on the DatagramSocket class to make a connection. This class sends and receives DatagramPacket. Create a new socket using the DatagramSocket class then create a packet using the DatagramPacket class. The socket has a send() that takes a DatagramPacket as argument. The method receive() allows receiving DatagramPacket.
TCP Use the ServerSocket class to wait on TCP connection. Once a ServerSocket is created, use accept(). It will wait for an incoming connection and return a socket when one arrives. Use a Socket to establish a TCP connection. The connection can occur in the constructor if you pass enough parameters, or through the connect() method.
Eclipse and LogCat
References Some links that you may find useful: Hello World: Android Library: Sample code examples: