Introduction to the Teacher Work Sample Portfolio Presented by Frank H. Osborne, Ph. D. © 2015 EMSE 3123 Math and Science in Education 1
The Spectrum Model The College of Education Spectrum Model Kean University’s College of Education prepares its graduates to be informed, dynamic professionals in diverse settings. To that end, a basic curriculum model called the SPECTRUM has been adopted to provide teacher education students with the knowledge, skills and dispositions (values) to become informed, dynamic professionals. 2
The Spectrum Model The College of Education Spectrum Model 3
The Spectrum Model Components of the Spectrum Model Knowledge –Subject matter –Student Learning –Diversity of Learners –Classroom Management –Assessment 4
The Spectrum Model Components of the Spectrum Model Skills –Planning instruction –Instructional Strategies/Technologies –Creating a proper Learning Environment –Communication and Technology –Assessment –Student Support –Reflection and Professional Development 5
The Spectrum Model Components of the Spectrum Model Dispositions (Values) –Diversity/Individual Differences –High Expectations –Community/Culture –Positive Climate –Positive Role Model –Life-long Learner 6
The TWS Portfolio What is a Teacher Work Sample Portfolio? Documentation of your achievements over the course of your teacher preparation program Includes files that demonstrate evidence of P- 12 student learning Shows satisfactory achievement of the COE learning outcomes Can be in print or done electronically 7
The TWS Portfolio Components Cover page with statement of ownership Table of contents One page introduction Philosophy statement Charts, graphs and attachments Narrative (20 pages max) References 8
The TWS Portfolio Level I TWS Done in Sophomore Field class Contains –Philosophy Statement –Contextual Factors Reviewed and formally evaluated by the Sophomore Field instructor Transfer students who got credit for Sophomore Field but did not do the two components must do them now. 9
The TWS Portfolio Level II TWS (Mini TWS) Done in Junior Field class and its paired class (EMSE 3123) Contains –Learning Goals –Assessment Plan –Design for Instruction –Instructional Decision-Making Reviewed and formally evaluated by course instructor 10
The TWS Portfolio Level III TWS Done in Senior Field and Senior Seminar (which is the senior Capstone Course) Contains all components of the TWS in final form. Reviewed and formally evaluated by capstone course instructor as well as University Supervisor/Clinical Instructor for Senior Field 11
TWS Standards Contextual Factors The teacher uses information about the learning-teaching context and student individual differences to set learning goals and plan instruction and assessment. Indicators of the Contextual Factors section are listed on the next slide 12
TWS Standards Indicators for Contextual Factors Knowledge of community, school, and classroom factors Knowledge of characteristics of students Knowledge of students’ varied approaches to learning Knowledge of students’ skills and prior earning Implications for instructions panning and assessment. 13
TWS Standards Learning Goals and Indicators The teacher sets significant, challenging, varied and appropriate learning goals. Significance, Challenge and Variety Clarity Appropriateness for students Alignment with national, state and local standards 14
TWS Standards Assessment Plan The teacher uses multiple assessment modes and approaches aligned with learning goals to assess student learning before, during and after instruction. Indicators are found on the next slide. 15
TWS Standards Indicators for Assessment Plan Alignment with learning goals and instruction Clarity of criteria for performance Multiple modes and approaches Technical Soundness Adaptations based on the individual needs of students 16
TWS Standards Design for Instruction The teacher designs instruction for specific learning goals, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts. Indicators are found on the next slide. 17
TWS Standards Indicators for Design for Instruction Alignment with learning goals Accurate representation of content Lesson and unit structure Use of a variety of instruction, activities, assignments and resources Use of contextual information and data to select appropriate and relevant activities, assignments and resources Use of technology 18
TWS Standards Instructional Decision-Making The teacher uses ongoing analysis of student learning to make instructional decisions. Sound professional practice Adjustments based on analysis of student learning Congruence between modifications and learning goals 19
TWS Details Details are found in A Guide for Compiling a Teacher Work Sample Portfolio. 20
The End 21