CSE 332: Design Patterns Review: Design Pattern Structure A design pattern has a name –So when someone says “Adapter” you know what they mean –So you can communicate design ideas as a “vocabulary” A design pattern describes the core of a solution to a recurring design problem –So you don’t have to reinvent known design techniques –So you can benefit from others’ (and your) prior experience A design pattern is capable of generating many distinct design decisions in different circumstances –So you can apply the pattern repeatedly as appropriate –So you can work through different design problems using it
CSE 332: Design Patterns Three More Design Patterns Singleton (creational) –Provides access to a single (or indexed) instance Prototype (creational) –Polymorphic duplication of heterogeneous types Visitor (behavioral) –Allows interaction with heterogeneous collections –Compile time dispatching is standard, but can emulate with dynamic type casting or RTTI
CSE 332: Design Patterns Creational Patterns Help define how objects are created/initialized May emphasize class or interaction diagrams Examples –Factory Method –Singleton –Prototype
CSE 332: Design Patterns Single Global Instance Challenges –Only one object of a type is needed or allowed in a program –Whether or not the object is needed at all may vary –Need to make sure the object is initialized before first use Motivates use of the Singleton pattern –Instantiates the object on-demand (if requested) If no request is made, the object is never created (efficient) –Makes it easy to obtain an alias from anywhere in program Don’t need to pass a reference/pointer up and down the call stack –Initializes object before first alias to it is handed out Lifetime of the object covers interval of its possible use
CSE 332: Design Patterns Singleton Pattern Problem –Want to ensure a single instance of a class, that’s shared by all uses throughout a program (e.g., the Portfolio, the Zoo) Context –Need to address ordering of initialization versus usage –E.g., usage from different source files than where the object is defined Solution core –Static pointer member variable is initialized to 0 (before main starts) –Provide a global access method (static member function) –First use of the access method instantiates object, updates pointer –Constructors for instance can be hidden (made private) –Can hide destructor too if a “fini” or “destroy” method is also provided Consequences –Object is never created if it’s never used –Object is shared efficiently among all uses
CSE 332: Design Patterns Basic Use of the Singleton Pattern class Portfolio { public: static Portfolio * instance(); static void fini(); //... private: static Portfolio * instance_; Portfolio (); virtual ~Portfolio (); //... }; Portfolio * Portfolio::instance_ = 0; Portfolio * Portfolio::instance() { if (instance_ == 0){ instance_ = new Portfolio; } return instance_; } void Portfolio::fini() { delete instance_; instance_ = 0; } int main (int, char * []) { try { Stock *s = new Stock ("Alice's Restaurant", 20, 7, 11, 13); Bond *b = new Bond ("City Infrastructure", 10, 2, 3, 5); Portfolio::instance()->add (s); Portfolio::instance()->add (b); Portfolio::instance()->print (); Portfolio::fini(); } catch (Portfolio::error_condition &e) { cout << "Portfolio error: " << e << endl; return -1; } catch (...) { cout << "unknown error" << endl; return -2; } return 0; }
CSE 332: Design Patterns An Indexed Variation of the Singleton Pattern class Portfolio { public: static Portfolio * instance(Agent *); static void fini(Agent *);... private: static map instances_; Portfolio (); virtual ~Portfolio ();... }; map Portfolio::instances_; Portfolio * Portfolio::instance(Agent *a) { Portfolio * p = 0; map ::iterator i = instances_.find(a); if (i == instances_.end()) { p = new Portfolio; instances_.insert(make_pair(a,p)); } else { p = i->second; } return p; } void Portfolio::fini(Agent *a) { map :: iterator i = instances_.find(a); if (i != instances_.end()) { Portfolio * p = i->second; instances_.erase(i); delete p; } void Agent::buy (Security *s) { int cost = s->shares_ * s->current_value_; if (cost > reserve_) { throw cannot_afford; } Portfolio::instance(this)-> add(s); reserve_ -= cost; } Agent::~Agent () { Portfolio::fini(this); }
CSE 332: Design Patterns Polymorphic (Deep) Copying Challenges –C++ does not have a virtual copy constructor –However, may need to duplicate polymorphic collections All the securities in a portfolio (which are actually stocks or bonds) All the animals in a zoo (which are actually Giraffes or Ostriches) –Copy construction depends on the concrete types involved Motivates use of the Prototype pattern –Wraps copy construction within a common virtual method –Each subclass overrides that method: uses its specific copy constructor with dynamic allocation to “clone” itself
CSE 332: Design Patterns Prototype Pattern Problem –Need to duplicate objects with different dynamic types Context –Virtual constructors are not available (e.g., in C++) –However, polymorphic method invocations are supported Solution core –Provide a polymorphic method that returns an instance of the same type as the object on which the method is called –Polymorphic method calls copy constructor, returns base class pointer or reference to concrete derived type Consequences –Emulates virtual copy construction behavior –Allows anonymous duplication of heterogeneous types
CSE 332: Design Patterns Use of the Prototype Pattern struct Security { public: … virtual Security * clone () = 0;... }; Security * Stock::clone () { return new Stock(*this); } Security * Bond::clone () { return new Bond(*this); } Security * Agent::sell (Security *s) { Security * current = Portfolio::instance(this)->find(s); if (current ==0) { throw cannot_provide; } Security * copy = current->clone(); Portfolio::instance(this)->remove(current); reserve_ += copy->shares_ * copy->current_value_; return copy; }
CSE 332: Design Patterns Interacting with Heterogeneous Collections Challenges –Polymorphism lets you aggregate different types together –However, how to interact depends on the specific types Motivates use of the Visitor pattern –Lets the program discover how to interact with each concrete type through an initial “handshake” with it –Dispatches that interaction directly through a method call
CSE 332: Design Patterns Visitor Pattern Problem –We have a heterogeneous collection of objects over which we need to perform type-specific operations Context –Run-time type identification (if available) adds overhead –Want to avoid unnecessary interactions among types –Types in collection change less frequently than the set of operations that are to be performed over them Solution core –Modify types in the collection to support double dispatch –If you cannot, RTTI / dynamic casting can be used similarly (a variant?) Consequences –Once modified in this way, any of the types can handshake with arbitrary “visitors” to give correct behavior
CSE 332: Design Patterns Basic Use of the Visitor Pattern struct SecurityVisitor { virtual ~SecurityVisitor(); virtual void visit_stock (Stock *) = 0; virtual void visit_bond (Bond *) = 0; }; struct Security { … virtual void accept (SecurityVisitor * sv) = 0; }; void Stock::accept (SecurityVisitor * sv) { if (sv) {sv->visit_stock(this);} } void Bond::accept (SecurityVisitor * sv) { if (sv) {sv->visit_bond(this);} } struct ProjectedValueFunctor : public SecurityVisitor { int & value_; ProjectedValueFunctor (int & value); virtual ~ProjectedValueFunctor (); void operator () (Security * s) { s->accept(this); } virtual void visit_stock (Stock * s) { if (s) {value_ += s->shares_ * (s->projected_value_ + s->dividend_);} } virtual void visit_bond (Bond * b) { if (b) {value_ += b->shares_ * (b->projected_value_ + b->interest_);} } }; int Portfolio::projected_value () { int value = 0; for_each (securities_.begin(), securities_.end(), ProjectedValueFunctor(value)); return value; }
CSE 332: Design Patterns Design Patterns Summary We’ve looked at a number of patterns this semester –Iterator: access elements sequentially no matter how stored –Factory method: create a related type polymorphically –Adapter: converts an interface you have into one you want –Memento: packages up object state without violating encapsulation –Observer: tell registered observers when state changes –Singleton: provides access to a single instance (possibly per index) –Prototype: allows polymorphic duplication of heterogeneous types –Visitor: allows interaction with heterogeneous collections Think about how patterns can drive design –From basic abstractions towards a working program with refinements –Lab 5 will involve the Singleton and Memento patterns –CSE 432 focuses on combining patterns of this sort (design) –CSE 532 focuses on other kinds of patterns (architectural)