1 Rita Sambruna Lia LaPiana NASA HQ NASA HQ The Science Definition Team for the astrophysics-focused use(s) of the Telescope Assets
2 Background The NRO transferred to NASA two Hubble class telescopes and related hardware (“telescope assets”). These telescopes are an Agency asset, not an SMD or Astrophysics Division asset. On August 13, NASA Strategic Implementation Planning (SIP) guided SMD to conduct a “broad study to assess a range of potential uses of the assets across SMD portfolio including Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics beyond the Decadal priorities to include NASA strategic priorities”. These include -Integration with HEOMD and Space Technology as active partners -Taking into account higher risk mission architectures -Advanced technologies -Lower cost In addition, the SIP directed SMD to “… also proceed to conduct a focused mission concept study to identify potential uses of the telescope assets to meet Astrophysics scientific priorities and assess financial requirements” On August 20, 2012 NASA issued a Notice of Intent for a Dear Colleague Letter to solicit applications for the formation of a Science Definition Team (SDT) for the astrophysics- focused study A Dear Colleague letter and Draft Charter for the SDT will be released shortly and will contained further information on NASA’s requirements for this study
3 The SDT Charge: 1 of 2 The primary tasks of the SDT will be to assess the possible astrophysics-focused use(s) of the telescope assets in the following two cases: 1. Use of the telescope assets “as is” to advance the science priorities described in the 2010 Decadal Survey for a wide field infrared survey telescope;
4 The SDT Charge: 2 of 2 2. Use of the telescope assets “as is” plus an Internal coronagraph to advance the science priorities described in the 2010 Decadal Survey for the detection and study of exoplanets Both studies will be conducted by the SDT selected as a response to the Dear Colleague letter. The findings of the SDT for both studies will be provided in a report to NASA no later than April 30, 2013.
5 What we are asking The SDT is asked to determine whether a possible use in astrophysics of the telescope assets as provided, i.e -recoating is permissible, but not polishing, or changing the telescope prescription We are asking for “a” Design Reference Mission, not necessarily “the” DRM. It needs to be as complete as can be done within the time allotted to help the agency determine if to keep the assets or not, and for what purpose. -we understand it will be not as well developed as the 2 DRMS just completed by the last WFIRST SDT. -DRM must not only address the decadal astrophysics science priorities, but be responsive to some or all of the following agency priorities: Modular spacecraft design that might enable –Reduced development costs, risks, or schedule, –Robotic servicing, or –Commercial servicing beyond low Earth orbit; Possible orbits, in particular high Earth orbit and geosynchronous orbit to support servicing; Optical communications to transmit large data volumes; and Opportunity to utilize the Space Launch System (SLS).
6 Agency Future Plans In addition to the astrophysics study the NASA Science Mission Directorate will lead a broad study to assess a range of potential uses of these telescope assets across SMD portfolio including Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics and will include integration with HEOMD and Space Technology as active partners. Information about the broader study, and opportunities for the community to participate, will be forthcoming later in 2012 Both the astrophysics-focused and the broader studies aim at providing NASA information on the potential uses and costs for implementing these uses by next spring. This information will be used as input to inform the Agency’s decision whether to keep the telescope or not and if a decision is made to keep them, for what purpose(s) they will be used.