TRD Technology at ALICE Matthias Hartig Johann-Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main
Overview ALICE Experiment ALICE TRD Chamber Design Front End Electronic Performance TRD Overview HERMES TRD NOMAD TRD AMS TRD Summary / Outlook
Large Hadron Collider Genf Mont Blanc CERN
ALICE Experiment PHOS , 0 MUON -pairs PMD multiplicity ITS Vertexing Low p t tracking TPC Tracking, PID TRD Electron ID TOF PID HMPID PID high p t EMCAL (not shown) Jet-calorimetry FMD, V0, T0, ZDC (not shown) Trigger, multiplicity, centrality
The ALICE Experiment
ALICE Experiment Requirements Robust tracking performance Needs to digest highest multiplicities ( O (10 5 ) tracks !) Need to cover low p t region (~100 MeV/c ) Soft physics important for event characterization But the high p t region as well (>100 GeV/c ) Hard probes transmit information about early phase Good PID capabilities over large p t -range essential Many effects are flavour dependent Sensitivity to rare probes Heavy flavour, quarkonia, photons,...
ALICE Experiment PID Capabilities (relativistic rise) TPC: (dE/dx) = 5.5(pp) – 6.5(Pb-Pb) % TOF: < 100 ps TRD: suppression 10 90% e-efficiency
Transition Radiation Detector Transition Radiation Produced by fast charged particles crossing the boundary between materials with different dielectrical constants production probability ~ 1/ per boundary Characteristic: energy spectrum in keV region angel of emission ~1/ Spectrum determined by: number and distance of the surfaces thickness and plasmafrequence of the material Velocity of the charged particle ( ) Radiator: Regular foils Fibre material Foam Measured spectrum of 2 GeV/c electrons
Transition Radiation Detector Schematic View Radiator: irregular structure - Polypropylen fibers - Rohacel foam (frame) 4.8 cm thick self supporting Gas: Xe/CO 2 85/15 % Drift region: 3 cm length 700 V/cm 75 m CuBe wires Amplification region: W-Au-plated wires 25 m gain ~ Readout: cathode pads 8 mm (bending plane) 70 mm in z/beam-direction 10 MHz
Transition Radiation Detector Design Large area chambers (1-1,7 m²) -> need high rigidity Low rad. length (15%Xo) -> low Z, low mass material
Transition Radiation Detector Setup TRD in Numbers: 540 Chambers 6 Layers 18 Sectors (Supermodule) Total Area: 736 m 2 Gasvolume: 27,2 m 3 Auflösung (r ) 400 m Number of Readout Channels: 1,2 Millionen TRD Supermodul TPC TRD Supermodule TOF supermodule
Electron Identification Performance Result of Test Beam Data LQ Method: Likelihood with total charge LQX Method: total charge + position of max. cluster Typical signal of single particle PID with neural network e/ -discrimination < For 90% e-efficiency
Front End Electronic Overview Readout Board (ROB) 8 (6) ROBs per chamber 7 different ROBs 16+1 MCM per Board Readout of 18 channels per MCM 2 x Optical Readout Interfaces Detector Control System
Front End Electronic Readout Board / Multi-chip Module 120cm 160cm Analog part (PASA): Preamplifier/shaper Convrsion gain 12.4 mV/fC Shaping time 120 ns (FWHM) Equivalent noise ~700 e Digital Part (TRAP): ADC Preprocessor, digital filters Hit selection Tracklet processing at 120 MHz CPUs working in parallel during readout Measured Noise on the chamber ~1200 e
Front End Electronic Detector Control System 160cm 1 DCS board per chamber: FPGA and ARM core running Linux OS Control of voltage regulators MCM configuration Clock and trigger distribution Also used for other detectors
Front End Electronic Optical Readout Interface 120cm 160cm 2 ORI boards per chamber: Connects 4 (3) ROBs to GTU High speed readout: 2.5 GBit optical link
TRD Trigger Online Tracking Trigger Requirements: electron and electron pairs with high pt (> 2GeV/c) Challenges: tracking of all charge particles time budget of 6.1 s Local Tracking Unit (LTU) on each chamber linear tracklets fit ship tracklets to GTU Global Tracking Unit (GTU) find high momentum tracks through all 6 layers generate trigger
Offline TRD Tracking Standalone Track Resolution Cluster reconstruction: ch arge sharing between pads pad response function tail cancellation TR absorption Track position Track angel In bending plane: Hit resolution < 400 mm (for each time bin) Angular resolution < 1 deg. (for each plane) Track angular resolution: < 0.4 deg.
dN ch /dy = 6000 Offline Tracking Performance Efficiency and Resolution for Pb+Pb Efficiency: high software track-finding efficiency lower combined track efficiency (geometrical acceptance, particle decay ) Efficiency independent of track multiplicity Momentum resolution: long lever arm ITS + TPC +TRD (4cm <r<370cm) resolution better for low multiplicity (p+p) pt/pt 5 % at 100 GeV/c and B = 0.5 T
HERMES TRD Lepton Scattering Experiment DIS measurement at 27 GeV at HERA electron identification: TRD, preshower, calorimeter (RICH,TOF)
HERMES TRD Lepton Scattering Experiment Aktive area 0.75 x 3.25 m 2 2 x 6 modules Irregular radiator polypropylen fibers 6.35 cm thick Readout MWPC flexible windows Gaps to keep MWPC thickness 90/10 % Xe/CH 4 Result: dismantled 2007 PRF > 10 2 for > 2 GeV/c more than 10 years successful operation
NOMAD TRD Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Appearance of X e - + Background from e in neutrino beam Total pion rejection > 10 5 at 90% electron efficienty at 1-50 GeV/c TRD 10 3, preshower, EM calorimeter End of operation 1999 Aktive Area 2.85 x 2.85 m 2 9 modules Regular radiator 315 polypropylen foils 15 m thick 250 m space Readout 176 straw tubes 3 m long 16 mm diameter 80/20 % Xe/CH 4
AMS TRD Antimatter Search in the Universe Space based Detector AMS 1: space shuttle AMS 2: 3 y on the ISS 6 modules Irregular radiator polypropylen fibers 2.00 cm thick 80/20 % Xe/CH 4
Summary / Outlook Summary ALICE TRD chambers 80 % ready FEE Integration / SM production 30 % ready MCM configuration needs fine tuning 4 SM installed At least 3 successful TRDs TRD powerful tool to identify electrons from 1 – 100 GeV/c Outlook Gas detector for TR measurement ? Slow Xe is expensive Xe difficult to get New development of radiator material ?