Find the nouns in the sentence. John has a cat. John cat. hasa Thisis a ball. Where is thecow? The dog is asleep.
Find the nouns in the sentence. John has a cat. This is a ball. Where is the cow? The dog is asleep.
Find verbs in the sentence. Sue ranto school. Canhe jumpthat wall? She laughed atme. She iseatinglunch.
Find verbs in the sentence. Sue ran to school. Can he jump that wall? She laughed at me! She is eating lunch.
Find adjectives in the sentence. Thebrowndog sat. Seethat sad girl. What isinthatbig box? I had eightcandlesonmycake.
Find adjectives in the sentence. The brown dog sat. See that sad girl. What is in that big box? I had eight candles on my cake.
The little boy is eating cold watermelon.