Doing EPO Now
Constraints on use of MREFC (construction) funds During construction we can build infrastructure to enable EPO during operations, but not actually “do” EPO – unless is it required to validate acceptance of construction deliverable. Reference: NSF Large Facilities Manual 2
With MREFC funds, we CANNOT: Do outreach in schools Run summer programs for USM Support teachers Fund interns … 3
With MREFC funds, we CAN: Build prototype portal and test it Build CS project for one piece of Provide IMSIM data to planetarium community Evaluate use of existing EPO projects (SDSS especially) for anticipated LSST audience needs Needs assesment 4
We can also leverage other sources of EPO funding: Add LSST content to existing programs: Summer workshops for teachers Computing classes at BNL IINSPIRE, REU students with LSST mentors Without direct use of LSST funds 5
DES Operations Proposal LSST Precursor A dynamic, multi-media web portal is being developed by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) that will feature LSST discoveries and connect EPO participants through social networking technologies. Since commissioning and public science verification data from DECam will exist in early 2012, DES can help the development of the LSST outreach development effort. These early data can be used as precursor test data served through the LSST EPO portal. Serving the DES transient alerts through the portal addresses one of the key science (and EPO) goals of LSST. Slide from Preliminary Design Review EPO Presentation, 2011
Collaborators Chris Palma Scott Bronson Brian Nord Cal Academy And …?