Securing Future Growth: Getting Ready for IPv6 in 2010 APTLD 1 March 2010 Miwa Fujii, Senior IPv6 Program Specialist, APNIC
Overview Brief introduction of the APNIC IPv6 Program –Activities in 2009 IANA’s Final 10% Project –Outcome report Working together with the domain name registries and registrars –Future collaboration
APNIC IPv6 Program APNIC’s new initiative to support IPv6 adoption –Established in Aug 2008 Focused on multi-stakeholder approach –Developed new communication materials –Proactively networked to establish new communication channels with Internet organizations (60+) and individuals To create an effective foundation for the IANA 10% campaign New collaborative relationships were established: –ISOC-AU –ISOC-TW –ICANN at Large –IP Mirror –.auDA –Obtained support in circulating the IANA 10% message –Reached out to governmental organizations OECD APEC TEL
IPv4 Address Global Distribution As of 11/02/2010 Remaining at IANA 22 x /8 Remaining at IANA 8.6%
IPv4 Address Global Distribution As of 11/02/2010 Remaining at IANA 22 x /8 Remaining at IANA 8.6% 22 x /8 remain: APNIC was allocated 2 x /8 on 19/01/2010 ARIN was allocated 2 x /8 on 11/02/2010 IANA’s remaining IPv4 address pool is now below 8.6%
IPv4 Consumption – Projections 6 as of 16/02/2010 Projected IANA Unallocated Address Pool Exhaustion: 16-Sept-2011 Projected RIR Unallocated Address Pool Exhaustion will be a crucial year for IPv6 adoption
NRO IANA 10% Media Campaign
NRO IANA 10% Media Campaign A major media release was launched on 20/01/2010
APNIC IANA 10% Media Campaign
A major media release was launched on 27/01/2010
Growth of the Internet million websites as of April 2009 (Netcraft)
IPv6 Readiness at ccTLDs 133 ccTLDs root servers out of 150 have IPv6 address resolution function (~86%) –Statistics provided by National Centre for High-Performance Computing in Taiwan, as of July 2009 –Good news! IPv6 readiness of direct customers of TLDs and registrars?
IPv6 Readiness of Direct Customers of ccTLDs
IPv6 Readiness of Direct Customers of TLDs We can assume: Direct customers of TLDs and registrants are not yet IPv6 ready. How can you/we help them to make a smooth transition to IPv6? What kinds of messages do they need?
IPv6 Readiness of Registrars People and organizations connecting to the Internet after late 2012: –Will find difficulty in obtaining IPv4 global addresses: It could be more expensive It may require more complicated technical adjustments to penetrate multiple NATs IDNs and new TLDs will push for more IPv4 addresses They may choose an option to use IPv6 only websites Are registrars ready for such challenges? –How can you/we support them in transitioning to IPv6?
IPv6 and Domain Registration
Customers will choose Registrars
Customers will move to IPv6- Ready Services
Customers will move to IPv6- Ready Services
APNIC’s Plan: Reach out to content providers including enterprises –i.e., customers of TLDs and registrants Our message will be: –IPv6 is a reality and a business continuity issue Your web, mail and other servers need to be ready with IPv6 –Simple process Easy access to IPv6 with APNIC Like IPv4 Multihoming, enterprises need IPv6 Multihoming as well
IPv6 Kickstart
86 IPv6 delegations were made since 10/02/2010 IPv6 address delegation will increase in the future This will impact your customers’ demand for IPv6-ready domain names
Useful Media for Enterprises
Working with ccTLDs Encourage registrars to prepare their services for IPv6 –What kind of information will be helpful for registrars? What kind of information will be helpful for customers of registrars? –Will also help direct customers of TLDs How can we reach out to them systematically? –APNIC has limited resources We appreciate your input!
Thank You!