EDTHP 115 2/5/03 Announcements Papers due this Friday (Feb. 7) Review Sheet for Test #1 (Friday, Feb. 14) handed out this Friday Readings and pages to focus on: This week: History, Chap. 6 pp pp Webster, Rush, Jefferson Next Week: Dewey
EDTHP 115 2/5/03 I.Other Types of School Reforms and approaches to schooling II.Conclude with School Reforms III.History of Education I.The Puritans II.Post-Revolution America
Questions for Today What does study of specific examples tell us? What do researchers look for when they evaluate a school reform? What were the educational goals of the Puritans?
Success for All Extensive Training for School Staff Acceptance by School Staff Intensive Instructional Support Cooperative Learning and Mastery Instruction No other reforms in that school
The Coalition of Essential Schools 10 Common Principles 1.Learning to use one's mind well 2.Less is More, depth over coverage 3.Goals apply to all students 4.Personalization 5.Student-as-worker, teacher-as-coach 6.Demonstration of mastery 7.A tone of decency and trust 8.Commitment to the entire school 9.Resources dedicated to teaching and learning 10.Democracy and equity
Comer School Development Project Inner City Schools Enhanced Social and Psychological Services Teachers, Parents, Psychologists, Social Workers, other specialists Mental Health Teams Curricular Reform (later addition)
History of Education History as a mode of inquiry and analysis Time periods that we’ll cover What to look for in each time period 1.Context of the Time Period 2.Curriculum 3.Pedagogy 4.View of Children 5.Type of System & Specific Policies 6.Major reformers 7.Purposes of Education
History Part I The Puritans Education in Colonial America, s Some reminders: 1587, 1607, 1620, 1630, 1636 The Puritans: “City Upon a Hill” Role of Education Purpose of Education The New England Primer
Puritans, s Viewed Children as Sinful and Depraved Troubled by High Mortality Rates Worried about Weakening Family Role and Juvenile Delinquency Passed Series of Laws to Reinforce Agencies of Education