Early American Literature The Puritan Mind
THE PURITANS 1600-1700 (plus 1730s and 40s “revival”) Settled Boston in 1630 left England to seek religious reformation “chosen people” established a “city upon a hill” were basically “middle class” in Europe. (Note that the Puritans were slightly different than the Pilgrims. Both groups disliked the European version of Christianity. The Pilgrims or SEPERATISTS wanted to separate completely from the Church, whereas the Puritans sought to purify it or reform it.)
Puritan Beliefs (Calvanist) 1. Total Depravity Through Adam and Eve's fall, every person is born sinful - concept of Original Sin. 2. Unconditional Election God "saves" those he wishes - only a few are selected for salvation - concept of predestination.
Puritan Beliefs 3. Limited Atonement - Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone. 4. Irresistible Grace – The elected will come to know God, they can’t help it. They cannot reject God’s grace. 5. Simplicity Rejection of ornate churches, emphasis on plain style clothing and conformity.
Puritan Simplicity
Puritan Clothing Puritan clothing was not as plain as we imagine, but simplicity and modesty were emphasized.
Remember…Boston of 1630 was Unsettled, Basically Vast Wilderness
Harsh Wilderness Puritans believed that they were chosen by God to settle the New World. The Puritans knew that they needed to work VERY hard in order to survive. Surviving and prospering would prove to England that their way of expressing their faith was the RIGHT way. Messing up in Puritan Boston was NOT an option = Puritan work ethic.
1630 Boston - Wilderness
Puritan Literature The Function of Puritan Writers To transform a mysterious God - mysterious because he is separate from the world. To make Him more relevant to the universe. To glorify God. NOT to entertain…that would be a sin (literally).
Puritan Literature The Style of Puritan Writing Protestant - against ornateness; reverence for the Bible. Purpose-driven. Puritan writing reflected the character and scope of the reading public, which was literate and well-grounded in religion. (These people valued education.)
Puritan Literature Common Themes in Early Puritan Writing Idealism - both religious and political. Pragmatics – writing for a practical purpose (to teach people or demonstrate beliefs)
Legacy In Americans TODAY The Puritans in Modern American Culture: the Puritan work ethic. idea that “we are the chosen people” in American exceptionalism today. “enlightened selfishness on behalf of the common good”=take care of yourself and you take care of your community Self-denial, saving, and investing will make you prosper. (Well, some of us may have lost this one.) “rags to riches” myth
Specific Puritans Anne Bradstreet Born in England 1612 to wealthy parents Came over with second wave of Puritans due to marriage Bradstreet's work was secretly compiled by her brother-in-law and published in England in 1650 under the title The Tenth Muse, Lately Sprung Up in America. Puritan community accepted her gift.
Specific Puritans Jonathan Edwards Minister 1703-1758 Great Awakening “Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God” 1741 considered one of the best examples of Puritan literature
Literature Inspired by Puritans The Puritans had their problems. Those problems, such as the Salem Witch Trials, have become the inspiration for American fiction writers. Some modern films, novels and plays written about the Puritans are THE CRUCBLE, a play by Aurthur Miller. THE SCARLET LETTER, a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne. (later made into a film.) Trailer for THE SCARLET LETTER http://youtu.be/NlUetVd4rsw
RECAP What were the major Puritan beliefs? What were two reasons that motivated the Puritans to work so hard? What was the main purpose of Puritan literature? When did Anne Bradstreet live? What did she write about? What was Jonathan Edwards’ famous sermon about? What was it called?
Class Activity In pairs, come up with 20 adjectives that describe a Puritan. As a class, we will make a list.