Colonial North America
Virginia Virginia is settled by those seeking economic opportunity (Tobacco). Early Virginia “Cavaliers” were English nobility who received large land grants in eastern Virginia. Many indentured servants come to this area to work and escape poor economic conditions in England.
Virginia “First Families” and focus on cash crops. Agricultural base and landed aristocracy. Light religious influence. Church of England. Bacon’s Rebellion.
Early Colonization, New England New England was primarily settled by Puritans seeking religious freedom. They formed a covenant community based on the principles of the Mayflower Compact and Puritan Religious beliefs. Direct democracy was practiced through town meetings.
Religious Communities John Winthrop – “A city upon a hill.” Roger Williams – Rhode Island. Thomas Hooker – Connecticut. Anne Hutchinson.
Puritan Expansion and Collapse After the successes of Williams and other dissenters, religious communities fade. Economic opportunity takes priority over religion. The Restoration Half Way Covenant.
Middle Colonies Attracts settlers from many different religions/areas. First centers of major commerce. Philadelphia, NYC, Boston Baltimore; Catholics. William Penn; Quakers.