The Middle Colonies
European Settlements in 1650
New Netherlands (Dutch) Colony Most Diverse Colony Practiced Religious Tolerance The colony had a great relationship with the Native Americans (Iroquois) Eventually, the Dutch colony of New Netherland would be taken over by the British and renamed New York
William Penn William Penn belongs to a radical religious group, the Quakers Sir William Penn (father) dies and Charles II (King of England) – gives a large property to repay debt and with that land William Penn will found Pennsylvania in 1681
William Penn ’ s Delaware 1682 – Penn acquired land from the Duke of York Delaware will have a separate assembly – will have the same governor
Pennsylvania Colony 1681 – The Colony begins The Pennsylvania Colony safe place for Quakers The colony was run on three values: Cooperation, Equality, and Religious Tolerance
Quakers Believe that God ’ s inner light burns in everyone No ministers Speak at will Do not recognize authority Quakers are pacifists which means that they do not believe in violence (war)
Puritans vs. Quakers Puritans >>> Need ministers Left England Waged war Killed the Natives Strict religious belief “ City Upon A Hill ” Take Native lands Quakers >>> No need for ministers Left England Pacifist Were friends to the Natives Freedom of religion Everybody is welcome Pay Natives for lands
William Penn ’ s Treaty With The Native Americans
William Penn & The Native Americans He offers the Natives friendship He pays them for their lands Penn also sets up a court system to solve problems between them Result – The Natives respected him for 50 years and there were no problems
Northern & Middle Colonies…. Large cities developed Boston, Philadelphia, & New York Immigrants – flood the cities causing bad conditions – poor & dirty Immigrants were prejudice with each other
The Lives of Women in the Northern & Middle Colonies Women had few legal rights They had extensive work responsiblities Could not vote or enter into contracts Could not buy or sell property Were not allowed to keep their own wages Widows or single women could own their own business Religion – told them to submit to husbands
The Lives of Slaves in the Northern & Middle Colonies Slaves led harsh lives No laws to protect them Discriminated against Not allowed to carry weapons