Physical Activity for Life Lessons Three & Four Planning a Personal Activity Program & Training Safely Pgs 87-97
Setting Physical Activity Goals Set realistic fitness goals Teens should get 60 minutes of activity every day Includes P.E., playing sports, doing household chores, etc.
Physical Activity Pyramid
Factors Affecting Activity Choices Cost (expensive equipment) Where you live (limit travel) Level of health (health conditions) Time and place (schedule into daily routine) Personal Safety (weather, unsafe areas, etc) Comprehensive planning (consider all areas of health related fitness)
Fitness Principles Overload: working the body harder than normal Progression: gradually increasing the overload to improve fitness Specificity: particular exercises and activities for specific areas of health or body parts
The Warm-Up An activity that prepares the body(muscles) for more vigorous work 1. Raise body temperature and heart rate 2. Stretch your muscles
The Workout The workout is the vigorous part of the exercise program Follow FITT Formula for effective workouts Frequency (how often you exercise/days per week) Intensity (how hard you work out/overload) Time (how long you work out/minutes) Type (the kinds of activities you do)
The Cool Down Do activities that help the body return to a resting state (heart and muscles) Cooling down will help prevent dizziness and tight muscles Slowing the pace of the activity and stretching are examples
Resting Heart Rate The number of times your heart beats per minute when you are not active Fit people have lower resting heart rates than non-fit people
Training and Performance Hydration: taking in fluids Sleep: getting enough affects body function Avoid the use of anabolic steroids (synthetic substances similar to testosterone that boost performance) Getting nutrients from food is preferable to supplements
Safety Use proper equipment that is safe and appropriate for the activity Consider clothing and footwear Pick ideal times and places