Quick fire quiz! 1.What is meant by the term muscular endurance? 2.What kind of speed, other than sprinting speed, is important to sports performers? 3.How would you define flexibility? 4.Why is flexibility important for all participants in physical activity, rather than just sports performers? 5.What are the most important fitness aspects for a Kabudi participant?
Skill related fitness! Fitness that affects our ability to perform particular skills We have to be fit enough to perform (health related) and fit enough to perform skillfully! These are: agility, balance, co-ordination, speed of reaction and timing (ABCST) Can vary in importance from activity Can be improved through training or born with it
Number of tests to assess skill levels: Stork test – balance, ruler drop – reaction time Re-testing is not adequate means of improving skills – must be relevant practice. Students will just get better at performing specific test Improved skills – lead to improved limb speed, more efficient movement.
Agility Should not be confused with flexibility, speed or balance Some aspects of all 3 apply, but also co- ordination – all equal Control – degree to which a performer can stop, start, turn and change direction in response to an outside stimulus such as the flight of a ball. Not about the freedom on movement at joints – freedom to move whole body with ease
Balance Not only relevant to gymnasts Balance needed for every movement/ physical activity Centre of mass – base of support Move in a game situation to be able to respond – must be balanced to do so effectively Do it everyday without thinking to stop falling over, dodge, etc
Co-ordination Perception + motor skill mechanisms = co- ordination Influences the performance of a skill by combining various movements of body parts Important for execution of skills involving objects, timing of limb movement with skill performance Born with, can be improved doing the activity
Speed of Reaction 2 related processes 1.Reaction time = time between stimulus and initial action/response 2.Movement time = time to complete movement from initial response Both combine to give Response time – total time between initial stimulus, response to it and completion of response Can be difference between World champion and last place!
Timings Not just about speed, ability to perform certain skill at correct time in sequence of actions Influenced by external occurrences, e.g. opponents, objects, etc Not to be confused with co-ordination – forward defensive stroke in cricket is successful only if it is executed with perfect timing!
Revision Questions to help! 1.Give 3 e.g.’s from different activities where balance is important. 2.Why do you think that co-ordination is more important in the performance of complex skills than in the performance of simple skills? 3.Use an example to assist you in explaining the meaning of the term “timing”. 4.Why would it be wrong to assume that skill related components of fitness could be improved by performing tests of those skills?
Homework Think about and write down your chosen sports to be assessed in for next years practical element. Make notes on pages we have covered today. P – 80-83(timing)