R D e c o n s t ru c t i o n of the H uman B ody By Hannah Fleming.


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Presentation transcript:

r D e c o n s t ru c t i o n of the H uman B ody By Hannah Fleming

Artistic Statement Head, shoulders, knees and toes. At an early age we learn the names of our body parts, where they are, what they look like, and their basic function. But how often do we take the time to appreciate the human form? Our bodies give us the ability to talk, see, run, play, and laugh. Everything we do, we are able to do because of our bodies.








Biography Growing up as an only child, I was constantly on the search for ways to entertain myself. Soon art became my activity of choice. Paint, pencils, clay, I loved it all. However, it wasn’t until middle school that I found my interest in photography. Before long, I was running around taking pictures of anything and everything that caught my eye.